- Doctor Who: Short Trips: "I Am the Master": Geoffrey Beevers, the Master himself, writes a story from the Master's perspective. Maybe a little too cute at times, but Beevers's voice is delicious.
- Doctor Who: Short Trips: "The Devil's Fopotprints": Big Finish usually do a Christmas-themed Short Trip in December, but this one was less Christmassy and more just wintery, which would be fine, but the story is kind of just okay.
- Doctor Who: The Early Adventures: Entanglement: The Doctor, Vicki, and Steven go an adventure with aliens in 1930s Cambridge. Clever, but maybe not as clever as I'd like.
- Doctor Who: The Early Adventures: The Crash of the UK-201: It's like "Turn Left," except Maureen O'Brien plays Catherine Tate and Peter Purves plays Billie Piper. These are two amazing performers, and O'Brien has never had better material as Vicki.
- Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: The Hero's Quest: Look, I don't know why there are audio dramas of sub-Tolkien fantasy game books, but there are, and I'm reviewing them.
- Fighting Fantasy Box Set: If one wasn't enough, now there are four more!
- Survivors: Series Eight: This is the penultimate release of Big Finish's often-excellent Surviors range. I appreciate they're tying up some ongoing threads, but I like these box sets better when they do standalones than when they do big adventures.
- Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Syndicate Master Plan, Volume 1: What a title! Big Finish debut their first-ever original companion for the fourth Doctor, Jane Slavin's 1970s police constable, Ann Kelso.
- Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Syndicate Master Plan, Volume 2: And the story concludes! Featuring two different James Bond pastiches for some reason.
- The War Master: The Master of Callous: I think when Big Finish got Derek Jacobi back as the Master, they thought it was a one-off, but the adventures keep on coming!
- Doctor Who: Ravenous 3: The eighth Doctor adventures keep on coming. Long-time readers know that Paul McGann is my favorite Doctor, but these are definitely not my favorite of his adventures. Does anyone care about the Ravenous? Why would they?
- Torchwood: God Among Us 2: The post-tv adventures of Torchwood continue, and despite some conceptual misgivings I might have with the series's direction, this is its most solid set of four stories yet.
- The Diary of River Song: Series Five: In this set, River meets four different incarnations of the Master. Her meeting with Missy is everything you might hope for, and you also get her meeting Geoffrey Beevers, Derek Jacobi, and Eric Roberts!
- Missy: Series One: Yet another range of new-series spin-off adventures for Big Finish begins, with the ongoing adventures of Missy! This set really capitalizes on her capriciousness, and of course her vs. the Meddling Monk is amazing.
- Star Trek: Prometheus: In the Heart of Chaos: The audiobooks of the Star Trek novels' 50th anniversary trilogy finally draw to a close. Alec Newman still doesn't know how to pronounce any Star Trek words, but this is the least bad of all the installments.
- The New Counter Measures: The Hollow King: The finale to Big Finish's Counter Measures range isn't anything "special"; it's just another adventure for the fearless team of investigators. Mostly it's a good one, too.
- Doctor Who: Warlock's Cross: Big Finish's trilogy of adventures featuring a late 1980s/early 1990s UNIT ends how it began: with a fizzle, even if it features the return of Klein.
- Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures, Volume Three: And, finally, I caught up with this, Big Finish's most recent reunion for the tenth Doctor and Donna. Three cracking adventures-- probably the most solid of these box sets yet. I love me some Russell T Davies pastiche!
Steve[n] Mollmann's blog: it only knows that it needs, but like so many of us, it does not know what
13 June 2019
Audio Catch-up!
At some point, I slipped on cross-posting my reviews of audio dramas over at Unreality SF to this blog, so here is a giant catch-up post, for anyone out there who cares(???).
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