22 June 2022

The Expanse: Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey

Leviathan Falls: Book Nine of The Expanse
by James S.A. Corey

Published: 2021
Acquired and read: December 2021

Books seven and eight had been a bit of a return to form for The Expanse after a lackluster middle trilogy, but alas, I did not find the conclusion lived up to them. I felt like it struggled to operate on the necessary scale: we should be building up to epic confrontations with both the Laconians and the mysterious aliens, but for much the book, the Rocinante crew have a much smaller goal of getting one girl somewhere; I didn't feel very into this, knowing what the stakes seemingly ought to be. Still, a solid conclusion with good answers and some smart character resolutions.

I read an Expanse story every eighty-ish days. Next up in sequence: The Sins of Our Fathers

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