1. The Year of Miracle: A Tale of the year One Thousand Nine Hundred by Fergus Hume
2. The Great Pirate Syndicate by George Griffith
3. The Zeppelin Destroyer: Being Some Chapters of Secret History by William le Queux
4. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service by Erskine Childers
5. A Woman against the World by George Griffith
6. The Three Days’ Terror by J. S. Fletcher
7. The Stolen Submarine: A Tale of the Russo-Japanese War by George Griffith
8. 6,000 Tons of Gold by H. R. Chamberlain
9. The Sack of London by the Highland Host: A Romance of the Period, Narrated by Jingo Jones, M.P.
10. The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
11. The Terror of the Air by William le Queux
12. Witches, Midwives & Nurses: A History of Women Healers by Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English
13. Marmaduke, Emperor of Europe: Being a Record of Some Strange Adventures in the Remarkable Career of a Political and Social Reformer Who Was Famous at the Commencement of the Twentieth Century by X
14. The English Revolution of the Twentieth Century: A Prospective History by Henry Lazarus
15. The Next Crusade by Robert Cromie
16. The Invasion of New York; or, How Hawaii Was Annexed by J. H. Palmer
17. When All Men Starve: Showing How England Hazarded Her Naval Supremacy, and the Horrors Which Followed the Interruption of Her Food Supply by Charles Gleig
18. Sixty Lights by Gail Jones
19. Doctor Who: The First Doctor: A Big Hand for the Doctor by Eoin Colfer
20. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #5: Fallen Heroes by Dafydd ab Hugh
21. Doctor Who Magazine: Special Edition #39: The 2015 Yearbook edited by Marcus Hearn
22. Political Future Fiction: Speculative and Counter-Factual Politics in Edwardian Fiction, Volume 2: Fictions of a Feminist Future edited by Kate Macdonald
23. Batman: Two-Face and Scarecrow: Year One by Bruce Jones and Mark Sable
24. I Killed Adolf Hitler by Jason
25. Batman: Haunted Knight: The Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Specials: Three Tales of Halloween in Gotham City by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale

1. Richard Meier & Partners: White is the Light by Philip Jodidio
2. The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
3. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams
4. Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Manga, Volume Two by Kia Asamiya
5. Star Wars: A New Hope: Manga, Volume One by Hisao Tamaki
6. Star Wars: A New Hope: Manga, Volume Two by Hisao Tamaki
7. Young Avengers Omnibus by Kieron Gillen
8. Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman Omnibus, Vol. 2 by Jonathan Hickman
#2-3 constitute belated Christmas presents (from SantaThing).
Books remaining on "To be read" list: ???