Dating superhero comics is a bit of a mug's game. They're set at the time of publication (usually), but Superman has been published for seventy years and he's certainly not seventy years old. That's because there's a "sliding timeline" involved so that the heroes have always emerged x number of years before the present. (A lot of people disagree on what x is, and DC recently redefined it in any case.) Plus, some aspects of history slide-- Superman no longer hung out during World War II-- but others do not-- the Sandman is pretty firmly dated to 1938. Also there are retro stories.
Curious about what order the DC comics I read actually take place in, I put this together. This uses absolute dates, but I'm agnostic on whether or not I believe in them; I wanted this for the order of events more than anything else. Did Orion and Kalibak bust up Metropolis before or after Green Lantern and Green Arrow discovered America? What was Captain Comet doing in outer space when Connor Hawke was visiting Japan? Now I can know!
Note that:
- This timeline borrows extensively from The Unauthorized Chronology of the DC Universe and the DC Comics Trade Paperback Timeline, though I don't always agree with either fellow.
- The conceit of the timeline is that it chronicles the post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint iteration of the DC universe, but:
- I have a pretty inclusive approach, and I fold in pre-Crisis or Earth-Two stuff where it would have happened in the post-Crisis universe, even if it couldn't have possibly happened that way post-Crisis (e.g., Superman Chronicles, Superman vs. Wonder Woman, Blackhawk: Junk-Heap Heroes).
- It will include some "New 52" titles, when it seems to me they could fit into the pre-Flashpoint universe (e.g., The Shade).
- It only includes Vertigo titles with substantial connections to the main DC universe, so The Sandman and Sandman Mystery Theatre are in, but Lucifer is not. All Vertigo universe titles are on their own page
- I don't really believe in the dates per se, I'm more interested in the relative dating. The years just give me something to organize around.
- Elseworlds DC titles follow at the end.
- 4,000,000,000 B.C.E.
- "The Heart of a Star" (in The Sandman: Endless Nights)
- 1,200–1,000 B.C.E.
- 6th Century C.E.
- [Sir Justin (the Shining Knight) is born, and later lost in time.]
- 1894
- Gladiator [Hugo Danner is born.]
- 1900
- [Jim Corrigan (the Spectre) is born.]
- 1912
- [Rex Tyler (Hourman) is born.]
- 1914
- Marvel Preview: "Man-God!"
- 1915
- [Wesley Dodds (the Sandman) is born.]
- The Sandman: Overture: The Deluxe Edition [Dream of the Endless is imprisoned by a human sorcerer.]
- 1918
- [Jay Garrick (the Flash) is born.]
- 1921
- [Al Pratt (the Atom) is born.]
- 1925
- [Helena Kosmatos (Fury) is born.]
- 1929
- [Sylvester Pemberton (Star-Spangled Kid/Skyman) is born.]
- 1930
- [Dinah Drake (Black Canary) is born.]
- 1935
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of Dr. Occult"
- 1938
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Tarantula [Wesley Dodds debuts as the Sandman.]
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Face and The Brute
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Vamp
- Secret Origins: "The Crimson Avenger"
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Scorpion
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Flash" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Golden Age Secret Files & Origins: "The Sentinel"
- "Second Movement: The Length of His Sleeve..." (in Secret Origins: "A Symphony of Shadows: The Secret Origins of Zatara and Zatanna") [The magician Giovanni Zatara makes his public debut as a crimefighter.]
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: Dr. Death and The Night of the Butcher
- The Crimson Avenger: The Dark Cross Conspiracy
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Hourman and The Python
- 1939
- Secret Origins: "A Secret Origin of the Golden Age: The Tale of Green Lantern" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Sandman Midnight Theatre
- "The Mist" (in Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Mist and The Phantom of the Fair)
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Sandman" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- "The Phantom of the Fair" (in Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Mist and The Phantom of the Fair)
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: The Blackhawk and The Return of the Scarlet Ghost
- The Blackhawk Archives, Volume 1 [The Blackhawk Squadron forms to battle the Axis powers on a freelance basis.]
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Hawkman" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Secret Origins: "Doll Man" and "The Secret Origin of the Whip"
- Steel, the Indestructible Man
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Hourman" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- 1940
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Spectre!" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Black Condor, the Man Who Can Fly Like a Bird!"
- Blackhawk: "A Time to Fight… a Time to Die!" / "The War Wheel" / "The Private War of Hendrickson"
- Blackhawk: "What Price Courage?" / "Command Is a Lonely Vigil!" / "7 – 1 = Danger!" / "Man to Man, Man to Monster!" / "The Death of Blackhawk Island!" / "The Tomb of the Unknown Blackhawk!"
- DC Comics Presents: "Back to World War II"
- Blackhawk: "The Domino Theory!" / "Der Fuhrer's Face!" / "Only One Survives!" / "A Long Ago Land"
- Blackhawk: "What's the Matter with Chop-Chop?" / "The New Recruit!" / "Behind Enemy Lines!" / "Changes" / "Killer Shark!" / "Diary Entry: Stanislaus…"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of Dr. Fate" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Blackhawk: "The Silent Treatment"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Atom" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- All-Star Squadron: "The Origin of the Shining Knight"
- Blackhawk: "The Domino Principle!" / "No Information Available at Press Time!"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Justice Society of America" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of Mr. America, alias the Americommando"
- DC Finest: Justice Society of America: For America and Democracy [Eight superheroes come together to form the Justice Society of America.]
- "For America and Democracy!" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- All-Star Squadron: "The First Case of the Justice Society of America!"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of Midnight"
- 1941
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Fury" and "The Secret Origin of Miss America"
- Two Thousand
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- All-Star Squadron: "The Origin of Johnny Quick"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Grim Ghost"
- All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant: "The 90-Minute Man"
- Secret Origins: "The Coming of... Uncle Sam"
- All-Star Squadron: "The Origin of Liberty Belle" / "The Origin of the Golden Age Robotman" / "The Origin of Tarantula!"
- The Sandman [Sandy the Golden Boy debuts as the Sandman's sidekick.]
- "All-Star Squadron" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- All-Star Squadron: "The World on Fire!" / "The Tyrant out of Time!" / "The Dooms of Dark December!" / "Day of the Dragon King!" / "Never Step on a Feathered Serpent!" / "Mayhem in the Mile-High City!" / "Carnage for Christmas!" / "Afternoon of the Assassins!" / "Should Old Acquaintance Be Destroyed..." / "To Slay the Body Electric!"
- 1942
- All-Star Squadron: "If an Eye Offend Thee...!" / "Star-Smasher's Secret!" / "Doomsday Begins at Dawn!" / "One Day, during the War..." / Crisis on Earth-Prime! / "The Three Faces of Evil!" / "The Magnetic Marauder!"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Guardian and the Newsboy Legion: A Timeless Tale from the Golden Age of Comic Books"
- All-Star Squadron: "Vengeance from Valhalla!" / "Death, Considered as a State of Mind!" / "...For the Dark Things Cannot Stand the Light...!" / "A Tale of Three Citadels!" / "The Powerstone Corrupts-- Absolutely!" / "When Fate Thy Measure Takes...!" / "The Man Who'll Know Too Much!"
- Infinity, Inc.: The Generations Saga, Volume One
- All-Star Squadron: "A Spectre Is Haunting the Multiverse!" / "By Hatred Possessed!" / "A Man Called Doome!" / "Day of the Black Dragon!" / "Uncle Sam Wants You!" / "Crisis on Earth-X!: The Prequel" / "The Battle of Santa Barbara-- Times Two!" / "The Wrath of Tsunami!" / "...That Earths May Live!" / Annual #3 / "Thunder over London!" / "Lightning in Berlin!" / "Detroit Is Dynamite!" / "Nobody Gets Out of Paradise Valley Alive!" / "The Rise and Fall of the Phantom Empire!"
- All-Star Squadron: "--Catch a Falling Starman!" / "Oh, Say, Can't You See...?" / "Ultimate Victory!" / "Night and Fog!" / "Give Me Liberty-- Give Me Death!" / "Philadelphia-- It Tolls for Thee!" / "See You in the Funny Papers!" / "The Secret Origin of Dr. Fate" / "Camelot 1942!" / "Death-Sword at Sunrise!"
- The Crisis on Infinite Earths [The Crisis on Infinite Earths affects 1942.]
- Justice Society of America: Shanghaied into Hyperspace!
- All-Star Squadron: "The End of the Beginning!"
- The Young All-Stars: "The Coming of the Young All-Stars!" / "A Gathering of Heroes!" / "A Call to Arms" / "California, Here We Come..."
- The Young All-Stars: "Hollywood Knights (1942 Model)" / "The War Within!" / "Somewhere in This Favored Land..." / "Manhunters of the World, Unite..." / "...You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Souls!" / "Like Father..." / "...Like Son!" / "'M' Is for 'Monster'!" / "Deadlier than the Male...?" / "Hell Hath No Fury...!" / "The Mekanique Paradox" / "Home Front: The Private Life of Dyna-Mite" / "...and Deathbolt Makes Three!"
- The Young All-Stars: The Dzyan Inheritance / "Secrets"
- Superman vs. Wonder Woman: An Untold Epic of World War Two
- The Young All-Stars: "Sick Leave" / "Meanwhile..." / Sons of Dawn
- All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant: "Thunderstruck"
- Wonder Woman: Past Imperfect [Queen Hippolyta arrives from the future and assumes the role of Wonder Woman.]
- All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant: "Waking Nightmare" / "Steam Engine"
- 1943
- JSA: Strange Adventures
- Manhunter: "Red-Haired Kate" (in Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics)
- All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant: "The Way of the Amazon"
- Military Comics: "The Blonde Bomber"
- Wonder Woman: "U-Boats & Dinosaurs" / "Her Daughter's Mother"
- 1944
- Blackhawk: "D-Day for the Blackhawks"
- "Brightest Day, Blackest Night" (in JSA Presents Green Lantern)
- Military Comics: Captain Hitsu and His Suicide Squadron
- The Brave and the Bold: "Ice Station Alpha!"
- 1945
- Military Comics: "Eve Rice" / "Shipwreck Island" / "The Cult of the Wailing Tiger"
- All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant: "P.O.V.--a Fable"
- The Justice Society Returns!
- "Time's Arrow" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Blackhawk: "Operation White Dragon"
- 1946
- Military Comics: "The Liberation of Sai Fan" [After the war's end, the Blackhawks battle Japanese renegades.]
- Doll Man: "Beauty and Her Beasts" (in Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics)
- 1947
- The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1 [Dinah Drake debuts as the Black Canary.]
- [Wesley Dodds retires from being the Sandman.]
- Action Comics Weekly: "Another Fine War" [The Blackhawks reunite in the postwar era.]
- "The Injustice Society of the World!" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years) [A group of criminals bands together as the Injustice Society to battle the Justice Society.]
- 1948
- Blackhawk: "Madame Butterfly" (in Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics)
- [The Seven Soldiers of Victory (including the Shining Knight, the Star-Spangled Kid, Stripesy, the Crimson Avenger, and Wing) are lost in time.]
- 1950
- "The Man Who Conquered the Solar System!" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Plastic Man: "The Figure" (in Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics)
- Adventure Comics: "Darkness Fallen" [Hippolyta returns to her home time.]
- Justice Society of America: The Demise of Justice
- 1951
- Justice Society of America: "Truth and Justice" [The JSA is forced to disband by a Congressional committee.]
- 1952
- Blackhawk: "The Killer Shark" [The Blackhawks encounter their nemesis Killer Shark for the first time.]
- 1957
- Showcase Presents Blackhawk, Volume One
- [Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) is born.]
- 1962
- Blackhawk: "Lady Blackhawk vs. Killer Shark" / "The Mermaid Lady Blackhawk"
- 1963
- [Bruce Wayne (Batman) is born.]
- Blackhawk: "Blackhawk's Secret Furlough"
- Blackhawk: "The Last Days of the Seven Blackhawks!" / "The Super-Blackhawks of the Secret Dimension!"
- Blackhawk: "A Firing Squad for Blackhawk" / "Colonel Frog -- Enemy Master of the Blackhawks" [The Blackhawks begin working for Mr. Cipher at the UN.]
- Blackhawk: "Queen Killer Shark" [Zinda Blake (Lady Blackhawk) becomes Queen Killer Shark.]
- [Clark Kent (Superman) is born on Earth.]
- 1966
- "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage!" / "Perils of the Psycho-Pirate!" (in Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume One)
- Blackhawk: "The Revenge of Queen Killer Shark"
- 1970
- [Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary) is born.]
- 1971
- "Mastermind of Menaces!" (in The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1 / Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume One)
- "The Big Super-Hero Hunt" (in The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1 / Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume Two)
- [Bruce Wayne's parents are killed.]
- 1975
- [Jack Knight (Starman) is born.]
- [Rick Tyler (Hourman II) is born.]
- The New Blackhawk [The Blackhawks reform as a group of freelance mercenaries.]
- [Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle) is born.]
- 1977
- [Roy Harper (Speedy) is born.]
- [Hector Hall (Silver Scarab/Sandman) is born.]
- 1978
- [Lyta Trevor (Fury) is born.]
- [Helena Bertinelli (Huntress) is born.]
- [Al Rothstein (Nuklon) is born.]
- 1980
- "The Legion of Super-Heroes" (in Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future) [Clark Kent (Superboy) is recruited by the Legion of Super-Heroes of A.D. 2993.]
- [Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade) and Todd Rice (Obsidian) are born.]
- 1984
- 1987
- Secret Origins: "Requiem for a Gunfighter" [The last resting place of Jonah Hex is inadvertently discovered.]
- 1988
- Superman: Birthright [Clark Kent debuts as Superman.]
- Superman
- Green Arrow: The Wonder Year [Oliver Queen debuts as the Green Arrow.]
- "Gordon of Gotham" (in Batman: Gordon of Gotham)
- 1989
- Batman: Year One [Bruce Wayne debuts as Batman.]
- Batman: Year One: Deluxe Edition
- Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper [Selina Kyle debuts as Catwoman.]
- The Batman Chronicles: "Decoys"
- The Batman Chronicles: "Got a Date with an Angel"
- "The Peacemakers" (in Batman: The Ring, the Arrow and the Bat) [Green Lantern and Green Arrow meet for the first time.]
- Adam Strange: The Silver Age Omnibus [Adam Strange is transported to Rann and debuts as its champion.]
- Dark Moon Rising: Batman and the Monster Men
- Dark Moon Rising: Batman and the Mad Monk
- "Prey" (in Batman: Prey)
- Batman: The Man Who Laughs [Batman encounters the Joker for the first time.]
- Batman: Four of a Kind [Batman encounters the Riddler, Poison Ivy, the Scarecrow, and Man-Bat for the first time.]
- Two-Face: Year One #1 (in Batman: Two-Face and Scarecrow: Year One)
- Batman: Shaman
- 1990
- The Superman Chronicles, Volume One
- "The Arrow and the Bat" (in Batman: The Ring, the Arrow and the Bat) [Batman and Green Arrow meet for the first time.]
- Batman: Venom
- Wonder Woman by George Pérez Omnibus [Princess Diana comes to Man's World as Wonder Woman.]
- Batman: Snow
- "Ghosts" (in Batman: Haunted Knight: The Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Specials: Three Tales of Halloween in Gotham City)
- Batman: Rules of Engagement
- Batman: The Long Halloween [Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face.]
- Showcase Presents The Elongated Man, Volume One [Ralph Dibny debuts as the Elongated Man.]
- Superman For All Seasons
- "Broken Nose" (in Batman: Year 100 and Other Tales: Deluxe Edition)
- "Choices" / "Madness" (in Batman: Haunted Knight: The Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Specials: Three Tales of Halloween in Gotham City)
- Two-Face: Year One #2 (in Batman: Two-Face and Scarecrow: Year One)
- Batman: Year Two: Fear the Reaper
- "Terror" (in Batman: Prey)
- Catwoman: Year 2
- Absolute Batman: Dark Victory [Dick Grayson debuts as Robin.]
- 1991
- Catwoman: When in Rome
- Hawkworld
- Batman: Year 3
- The Batman Chronicles: "The Penny Plunderers"
- Showcase Presents The Green Arrow, Volume One [Roy Harper debuts as Speedy.]
- "Flash of Two Earths!" / "Double Danger on Earth!" / "Vengeance of the Immortal Villain!" (in Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume One) [The Flash breeches the vibrational barrier between Earths-One and -Two for the first time.]
- Robin: Year One
- "Full Circle" (in Batman: Year Two: Fear the Reaper)
- Crisis on Multiple Earths [The JLA and the JSA have their first team-ups.]
- "Crisis on Earth-One!" / "Crisis on Earth-Two!" / "The Most Dangerous Earth of All!" / "The Bridge between Earths!" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- 1992
- Elongated Man: "Green Lantern's Blackout!" (in 52: The Companion)
- "Teenage Sidekick" (in Batman: Year 100 and Other Tales: Deluxe Edition)
- The Green Arrow
- Batman: Fortunate Son
- Green Lantern: "Secret Origin of the Guardians!" (in Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume One)
- Batgirl: Year One
- The Batman Chronicles: "Photo Finish" [Batgirl and Robin meet for the first time.]
- 1993
- Blackhawk: The Junk-Heap Heroes! [The Blackhawks begin working for G.E.O.R.G.E. and adopt superhero identities.]
- Blackhawk: "Target: Big-Eye" / "With These Rings I Thee Kill!" / "Too Late, the Leaper!" / "The Terrible Twins" / "A Coffin for Blackhawk"
- Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 2
- "Peril of the Paired Planets!" / "Where Valor Fails... Will Magic Triumph?" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Batman: Batgirl [Batgirl encounters the Joker for the first time.]
- Batgirl/Joker: "Clowntime"
- Blackhawk: "The Magnificent Assassins" / "The Walking Booby-Traps!"
- Blackhawk: "My Brother–My Enemy!" [G.E.O.R.G.E. is destroyed and the Blackhawks resume their freelance activities.]
- 1994
- "In Each Man There Is a Demon" (in Green Arrow / Black Canary: For Better or For Worse) [Black Canary crosses from Earth-2 to Earth-1.]
- "Third Movement: The Coming of Zatanna" (in Secret Origins:
"A Symphony of Shadows: The Secret Origins of Zatara and Zatanna") [Zatanna debuts.]
- Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus, Volume One [The war between New Genesis and Apokolips reaches Earth.]
- Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus, Volume Two
- Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus, Volume Three
- Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus, Volume Four
- Green Lantern co-starring Green Arrow [Green Lantern and Green Arrow go on a roadtrip to discover America.]
- "The Canary and the Cat!" (in The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1)
- Batman: The Cat and the Bat
- Adam Strange: "The Magic-Maker of Rann" (in 52: The Companion)
- Legends of the DC Universe: Folie a Deux
- 1995
- Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 3 [The Seven Soldiers of Victory are rescued from the timestream.]
- Batman: Night Cries
- Black Orchid (1973-76 feature) [The Black Orchid is created.]
- The Brave and the Bold: "Count to Ten... and Die!" / "The Smile of Chocoltan!" / "A Very Special Spy!" / "May the Best Man Die!" / "Dead Man's Quadrangle" (in Batman/Wildcat)
- 1996
- "General Electric" (in The Sandman)
- Metal Men: "Evil Is in the Eye of the Beholder" (in 52: The Companion) [The Metal Men are destroyed.]
- All Star Comics: Only Legends Live Forever [Kara Zor-L debuts as Power Girl.]
- "The Defeat of the Justice Society!" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Birds of Prey: "Batgirl/Catwoman"
- Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4
- Batman: Strange Apparitions
- 1997
- Showcase Presents... Power Girl [Power Girl assumes the identity of Karen Starr.]
- Superman: Last Son of Krypton
- The Huntress: Origins [Helena Wayne debuts as the Huntress.]
- Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 5
- The Question: "What Makes a Hero?" (in 52: The Companion)
- Green Lantern vs. Eclipso
- Green Lantern: The Omega-Men Saga! [The Omega Men band together to fight the Citadel.]
- 1998
- Lex Luthor: Man of Steel
- Action Comics / The New Teen Titans: The Starfire Saga
- DC Comics Presents: "Whatever Happened to... the Crimson Avenger?" [The Crimson Avenger dies.]
- Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 6
- Superman: Miracle Monday
- Green Lantern: "Head Trip!" / "…And They Shall Crush the Headmen!"
- The Immortal Doctor Fate
- Green Arrow (1983 miniseries)
- The Omega Men: Citadel War
- DC Comics Presents: "The Last Secret Identity!" [Kristin Wells debuts as Superwoman.]
- Batman: Second Chances [Jason Todd debuts as Robin II.]
- Infinity, Inc.: The Generations Saga, Volume One [The descendants of the JSA band together as Infinity, Inc.]
- Infinity, Inc.: The Generations Saga, Volume Two
- 1999
- Justice League of America: Crisis in the Thunderbolt Dimension!
- DC Comics Presents: "Back to World War II"
- Huntress: Year One [Helena Bertinelli debuts as the Huntress.]
- The Huntress (1989-90 ongoing)
- Nightwing: Year One [Dick Grayson assumes the identity of Nightwing.]
- The Omega Men: "Replicave Seeking" / "The Primus Army" / "Beware of Sleeping Tigorr..." / "A Dead Psions"
- Justice League of America: Family Crisis!
- Justice League: The Detroit Era Omnibus
- America vs. the Justice Society
- DC Comics Presents: "Welcome to Luthorcon III!"
- Jonni Thunder, a.k.a. Thunderbolt [Jonni Thunder acquires the power of the Thunderbolt.]
- The Crisis on Infinite Earths [The multiverse is merged into one Earth.]
- The Omega Men: The Wombworld Saga [The Vega System is invaded by the Spider Guild.]
- Infinity, Inc. / Justice League of America: The Last JLA–Justice Society Team-Up!
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Infinity, Inc.: "Green Dreams & Precious Illusions"
- Shazam! The New Beginning [Billy Batson debuts as Captain Marvel.]
- The Omega Men: "Omega!"
- Last Days of the Justice Society of America [The Justice Society of America are trapped in (a simulation of) Ragnarok, effectively killing them in the eyes of the world.]
- Infinity, Inc.: "What Private Griefs..."
- Infinity, Inc.: "Shock Treatment" / "--You Can Call Me Psycho!"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy" (in Last Days of the Justice Society of America)
- Secret Origins: "Ancient Histories" [Power Girl discovers that her Kryptonian ancestry is only an illusion.]
- Legends: The Collection
- Infinity, Inc.: "Injustice for All!" / "Beat the Clock!" / "Chaos in Calgary!"
- Secret Origins: "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Fury"
- The Flash by William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque Omnibus, Vol. 1 [Wally West replaces the late Barry Allen as the Flash.]
- The Outsiders / Infinity, Inc.: Comicdom's Epic Crossover!
- 2000
- The New Teen Titans / Infinity, Inc.: Clusters
- Black Orchid (1989 miniseries)
- Showcase Presents Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
- History of the DC Universe
- Millennium
- Secret Origins: "No Man Escapes the Manhunters!"
- The Weird (in Mystery in Space with Captain Comet, Volume Two)
- Batgirl: "The Last Batgirl Story" [Barbara Gordon retires from being Batgirl.]
- Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters
- Batman: The Killing Joke: The Deluxe Edition [Barbara Gordon is crippled by the Joker.]
- Green Arrow: "Black Canary" / "The Powderhorn Trail"
- Green Arrow: Here There Be Dragons
- The Batman Chronicles: "Oracle: Year One: Born of Hope" [Barbara Gordon reinvents herself as Oracle.]
- Batman: Ten Nights of the Beast
- Infinity, Inc.: "A Death in the Family" / "To Love and Die in L.A." / "Death, When It Must Come..."
- Action Comics Weekly: "...And the Pain Shall Leave My Heart" [Star Sapphire murders Katma Tui.]
- The Absolute Sandman, Volume One [Dream escapes imprisonment and reclaims his kingdom.]
- Batman: The Cult
- Animal Man [Animal Man comes out of retirement.]
- Booster Gold: "From the Depths" (in 52: The Companion)
- The Absolute Sandman, Volume Two
- Cosmic Odyssey: The Deluxe Edition
- "A Death in the Family" (in DC Comics Classics Library: Batman: A Death in the Family) [Jason Todd (Robin II) is killed by the Joker.]
- Invasion! [Superman exiles himself into space.]
- Wonder Woman by George Pérez Omnibus, Volume Two
- "Pavane" / "Original Sins" / "When is a Door" (in Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: The Deluxe Edition, With other tales of the Dark Knight)
- 2001
- Action Comics Weekly: "Beyond Phobus" / "Apocalypse" / "Total War" / "The End"
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 [Vril Dox II forms L.E.G.I.O.N.]
- Justice League Europe: "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm After They've Seen Paree?" [Justice League Europe is founded.]
- Animal Man: Origin of the Species
- Green Arrow: Blood of the Dragon
- The Many Deaths of the Batman
- Swamp Thing: "Brothers" / "Shaggy God Thing" (in Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days)
- Adam Strange: The Man of Two Worlds
- Action Comics: "Superman on Earth" [Superman returns from his trip into space.]
- Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame
- Lex Luthor: The Unauthorized Biography
- Hawkworld: "Enter... Hawkman!" [Katar Hol and Shayera Thal arrive on Earth, and debut as Hawkman and Hawkwoman.]
- Secret Origins: "Unfinished Business" [Dinah Drake Lance (Black Canary I) dies of cancer.]
- Justice League Europe: The Extremist Vector
- The Absolute Death
- Green Arrow: "Sunday on the Tarmac with George" [Green Arrow begins a global walkabout.]
- Batman: Year 3
- "A Lonely Place of Dying" (in DC Comics Classics Library: Batman: A Death in the Family)
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '90
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '91
- Armageddon 2001
- Wonder Woman by George Pérez Omnibus, Volume Three
- Wonder Woman: War of the Gods
- Justice League Europe: Breakdowns
- John Constantine, Hellblazer: "Hold Me" (in Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days)
- Green Lantern: Mosaic (1991 story arc) [A mad Guardian of the Universe relocates a selection of cities from various planets to Oa; John Stewart is installed as their guardian.]
- Elongated Man: Europe '92
- Green Arrow: "Home is the Hunter" [Green Arrow returns to Seattle.]
- Hawkworld: Escape from Thanagar!
- Eclipso: The Darkness Within
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '92
- Armageddon: Inferno [The Justice Society of America returns from Ragnarok.]
- Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow
- The Absolute Sandman, Volume Three
- Black Canary: New Wings
- The Brave and the Bold (1991-92 miniseries)
- Shado: Song of the Dragon
- Justice Society of America: Home Again! [The JSA returns to active duty.]
- "J.S.A. No More?" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Hawkworld: Flight's End [Hawkman and Hawkwoman apparently die.]
- Detective Comics: "Beyond the Law!" / "The Serpent Pit" [The Huntress comes out of retirement.]
- The Death of Superman [Superman dies.]
- "Gordon's Law" (in Batman: Gordon of Gotham)
- Robin III: Cry of the Huntress
- Black Canary: Hero Worship
- World Without a Superman
- The Flash by Mark Waid Omnibus, Vol. 1
- Justice League Europe: Red Winter
- 2002
- "Auld Acquantaince" (in Green Arrow / Black Canary: For Better or For Worse) [Oliver and Dinah break up.]
- Black Canary: "The Dance of the Capoeira"
- Green Arrow: Killing Camp
- The Darkstars: "Mean Streets" / "Darkstar Rising" [Ferrin Colos establishes a Darkstar outpost on Earth.]
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '93
- Green Lantern: Mosaic (1992-93 ongoing)
- "Knightfall" (in Batman: Knightfall) [Bruce Wayne's back is broken. Jean-Paul Valley becomes Batman.]
- Showcase '93: "Survival" / "Azmageddon"
- Black Canary: "Enter: The Huntress" / "That Which Does Not Kill Me..." / "Weaker Vessels" [The Huntress works with Black Canary and Oracle for the first time.]
- Hawkman: A Rage of Hawks [Hawkman and Hawkwoman return.]
- Bloodlines
- Green Arrow: "Home Alki"
- "Knightquest" (in Batman: Knightfall)
- Green Lantern/L.E.G.I.O.N./Darkstars: Trinity [The universe's three space-based law-enforcement organizations clarify their jurisdictions after a conflict on the planet Maltus.]
- The Return of Superman [Superman returns to life.]
- The Adventures of Alan Scott--Green Lantern [Alan Scott becomes Sentinel.]
- Justice League Task Force: The Purification Plague
- The Darkstars: Eve of Destruction
- Guy Gardner, Warrior: Emerald Fallout
- Showcase '94/Robin: Benedictions
- The Flash by Mark Waid Omnibus, Vol. 2
- The Darkstars: "Court Martial" [Donna Troy replaces Ferrin Colos as the Darkstar of Earth.]
- "KnightsEnd" (in Batman: Knightfall) [Bruce Wayne resumes the role of Batman.]
- The Huntress (1994 miniseries)
- L.E.G.I.O.N. '94
- The Crisis in Time
- Damage: "Damage" / "Afterschool Special" / "Troll's Day" / "...The Damage Done" / "Blast from the Past" / "The Burning of Atlanta" / "Back Again" [Grant Emerson debuts as Damage]
- Zero Hour: Crisis in Time [Oliver Queen kills Hal Jordan.]
- Green Arrow: "He Who Hesitates..." / "Cast Upon the Waters"
- R.E.B.E.L.S. '94 [L.E.G.I.O.N. is taken over by Querl Dox; Vril Dox forms R.E.B.E.L.S. to take it down.]
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume One
- Damage: Fragments
- The Ray: "The Flying Gypsy" / "The God Complex" / "Light & Death"
- "GCPD" (in Batman: Gordon of Gotham)
- The Absolute Sandman, Volume Four
- R.E.B.E.L.S. '95
- Bob the Galactic Bum: The Piker
- Deathstroke/New Titans/Darkstars: The Crimelord-Syndicate War
- Damage: Picking Up the Pieces
- New Titans/Green Lantern/Darkstars/Damage: The Siege of the Zi Charam
- Underworld Unleashed
- Damage: "Under Pressure" / "Going Down" / "Taking Damage" / "Big Bang"
- 2003
- Black Canary/Oracle/Huntress: Birds of Prey [Barbara recruits Dinah for the Birds of Prey.]
- Green Lantern: "Stand" / "Last Stand" [The Darkstars are obliterated, with only four remaining.]
- R.E.B.E.L.S. '96 [L.E.G.I.O.N. is restored and R.E.B.E.L.S. is disbanded; Vril Dox retires to raise his son.]
- "Run of the Arrow" (in Green Arrow / Black Canary: For Better or For Worse) [Oliver Queen dies. Connor Hawke becomes Green Arrow.]
- Green Lantern: Emerald Allies
- The Flash by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar: The Deluxe Edition
- "Batman/Wildcat" (in Batman/Wildcat)
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume Two
- Catwoman: "The Huntress: Big Game" / "The Headmaster: Bigger Game"
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume Three
- Batman: Poison Ivy
- "Gordon of Gotham" (in Batman: Gordon of Gotham)
- JLA: Strength in Numbers
- "Two Down" (in Gotham Central: Half a Life)
- Chase
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four
- Wonder Woman: Past Imperfect [Queen Hippolyta travels to the past and spends eight years in the role of Wonder Woman.]
- "Lois Lane" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- Birds of Prey: Old Friends, New Enemies
- Hardcore Station
- DC One Million Omnibus
- The Spoiler: "Daddy's Little Vigilante" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- 2004
- "Catwoman/Wildcat" (in Batman/Wildcat)
- Green Arrow: "Full Circle"
- The Sandman Presents: The Furies [reread]
- Birds of Prey, Volume 2
- Arsenal: Six Degrees
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume Five
- Steel: "Bridge the Past and Future" (in 52: The Companion)
- Stargirl by Geoff Johns [Courtney Whitmore debuts as the new Star-Spangled Kid.]
- JSA by Geoff Johns, Book One [The Justice Society of America reforms.]
- Azrael: Agent of the Bat: "The Quakists" / "Fugitive" / "The Witness"
- Orion Omnibus
- "Happy Birthday Two You..." (in Gotham Central: Half a Life)
- Wonder Woman: The 18th Letter: A Love Story
- The Starman Omnibus, Volume Six [Jack Knight retires from being Starman.]
- Two Thousand
- Golden Age Secret Files & Origins: "The Dawn of the Golden Age"
- 2005
- Birds of Prey: Huntress
- The Adventures of Superman: "Child's Play"
- Superman/Batman: "Prelude to The Big Noise: Three Months Away"
- "Return to Krypton" (in Superman: Return to Krypton)
- JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two
- "Seven Devils" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Green Arrow: Quiver [Oliver Queen resumes his role as Green Arrow.]
- The Adventures of Superman: "Don't Cry for Me, Bialya" / "Strange Behavior"
- "The Parting Shot" (in Green Arrow and Black Canary: A League of Their Own)
- The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus, Volume One
- Superman: Our Worlds at War
- The Adventures of Superman: "Shipbuilding"
- Superman/Batman: Our Worlds at War Aftermath!: Casualties of War!: The Big Noise
- Joker: Last Laugh
- "Joker Fun Facts" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- The Adventures of Superman: "Rubber Crutch"
- JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three
- Green Arrow: Sounds of Violence
- 2006
- Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest
- The Adventures of Superman: "Cult of Persuasion (prologue)" / "Borba za Zhivuchest" / "A Lex"
- Wonder Woman: "Her Daughter's Mother"
- DC First: Batgirl/Joker: "Clowntime"
- JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Four
- The Adventures of Superman: Cult of Persuasion / Mirror, Mirror
- "Return to Krypton II" (in Superman: Return to Krypton)
- Birds of Prey: "Catwoman/Oracle"
- Formerly Known as the Justice League
- The Adventures of Superman: "Alienation"
- Superman: Ending Battle
- The Adventures of Superman: "Small Perceptions"
- The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus, Volume Two
- Birds of Prey: "The Chaotic Code" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- Superman: Lost Hearts
- JSA: "Yesterday's War" / "The Tears of Ra" (in 52: The Companion)
- Batman: Gotham Knights: Knight Moves
- The Adventures of Superman: Superfiction, Part 1
- 2007
- Gotham Central: In the Line of Duty
- Gotham Central: Half a Life
- The Adventures of Superman: Superfiction, Part 2
- Green Arrow: Straight Shooter
- JSA: Princes of Darkness
- Green Arrow: City Walls
- Action Comics: Hungry Ghost
- Superman Batman: Public Enemies
- Captain Atom: Armageddon
- Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds [Huntress joins the Birds of Prey.]
- The Adventures of Superman: Superfiction, Part 3
- Birds of Prey: Sensei & Student
- Superman Batman: Supergirl [Kara Zor-El debuts as Supergirl.]
- The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus, Volume Three
- Superman Batman: Absolute Power
- "Made of Wood" (in Batman: The Man Who Laughs)
- Gotham Central, Book Two: Jokers and Madmen
- JSA: Black Reign
- JSA: Ragnarok
- Birds of Prey: Between Dark & Dawn
- Prelude to Infinite Crisis [President Ross decides to not run for re-election.]
- Manhunter: Street Justice [Kate Spencer debuts as the new Manhunter.]
- Gotham Central, Book Three: On the Freak Beat
- JSA: Lost
- Identity Crisis
- JSA: "The Autopsy"
- Manhunter: Trial by Fire
- Batman: Dark Detective
- JSA: "Virtue, Vice & Pumpkin Pie"
- Green Arrow: Moving Targets
- JSA: "Be Good for Goodness' Sake"
- 2008
- Sandman Mystery Theatre: Sleep of Reason
- Superman: For Tomorrow, Volume One
- Superman: For Tomorrow, Volume Two
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist [By this time, Vril Dox has reassumed control of L.E.G.I.O.N.]
- Birds of Prey: The Battle Within
- Day of Vengeance
- JSA: Black Vengeance
- The OMAC Project
- Superman: Sacrifice
- "Perfect Pitch" (in Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch)
- Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume One
- Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two
- Villains United
- JSA Classified: Honor Among Thieves
- Rann-Thanagar War
- The Infinite Crisis [The Infinite Crisis fractures the universe into 52 parallel worlds.]
- JSA: Mixed Signals
- JSA Classified: "Power Trip" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- Gotham Central: Dead Robin
- JSA Classified: The Spear and the Dragon
- Infinite Crisis
- JSA: "Ghost in the House"
- Infinite Crisis Companion
- "Who's Your Daddy?" (in Manhunter: Origins)
- Superman: Infinite Crisis
- Green Arrow: Heading into the Light
- Doctor 13: Architecture & Mortality
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 1-12)
- Infinite Crisis Aftermath: The Battle for Blüdhaven
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 13-17)
- JSA Classified: Double or Nothing
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 18-25)
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 26-34)
- 2009
- 52 Omnibus (week 35)
- JSA: Ghost Stories
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 36-44)
- Blue Beetle: Shellshocked [Jaime Reyes debuts as the new Blue Beetle.]
- JSA Classified: The Fall & Rise of Vandal Savage
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 45-47)
- JSA Classified: The Venom Connection / Skin Trade
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 47-49)
- World War III
- 52 Omnibus (weeks 50-51)
- Mystery in Space with Captain Comet, Volume One [Captain Comet is resurrected.]
- Mystery in Space with Captain Comet, Volume Two
- Green Arrow: Crawling through the Wreckage
- 52 Omnibus (week 52)
- Omega Men (2006-07 miniseries)
- "Progeny" (in Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch)
- Blue Beetle: Road Trip
- Birds of Prey: Blood and Circuits
- JSA Classified: "Best Served Cold..."/"Fire and Ice!"
- "Psychobabble" (in Manhunter: Origins)
- Countdown to Adventure
- Supergirl: "Rock On" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- Green Arrow: Road to Jericho
- JSA Classified: "Johnny Mimic" (in JSA Presents Green Lantern)
- Manhunter: Unleashed
- Blue Beetle: Reach for the Stars
- The All New Atom: My Life in Miniature [Ryan Choi debuts as the all-new Atom.]
- The All New Atom: Future/Past
- Birds of Prey: Dead of Winter
- Rush City: Running the Clock
- Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood
- Justice Society of America: The Next Age [The JSA reforms.]
- JSA Classified: Nightfall
- 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen
- JSA Classified: Fight Game
- Justice League of America / Justice Society of America: The Lightning Saga [The Flash (Wally West) is resurrected.]
- Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
50... 49... 48... 47... 46... 45... 44... 43... 42... 41... 40... 39... - JSA Classified: "Problem Solved" / Mister Horrific
- Justice Society of America: "Belles & Whistles"
- JSA Classified: "Giving Thanks" / "Ghosts of Christmas Past" (in JSA Presents Green Lantern)
- Birds of Prey: Club Kids
- Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters: Brave New World
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Road to the Altar
- Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
37... 36... 35... 34... 33... 32... 31... 30... 29... 28... 27... 26... - The All New Atom: The Hunt For Ray Palmer!
- Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer
- Countdown: Arena
- Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
24... 23... 22... 21... 20... 19... 18... 17... 16... 15... 14... 13... - Countdown Presents: Lord Havok and the Extremists
- 2010
- Superman: Last Son
- JSA Classified: "60 Minutes"
- Green Arrow / Black Canary: The Wedding Album [Oliver and Dinah marry. Sort of.]
- JSA Classified: Forward through the Past
- Birds of Prey: Metropolis or Dust
- JSA Classified: Body and Soul
- The Brave and the Bold: The Lords of Luck
- The Brave and the Bold: The Book of Destiny
- Justice Society of America: Thy Kingdom Come
- "What a Wonderful World" (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
11... 10... 09... 08... 07... 06... 05... 04... 03... 02... 01... 00... - The Death of the New Gods
- Rann-Thanagar Holy War, volume one
- Rann-Thanagar Holy War, volume two
- Birds of Prey: Platinum Flats
- Manhunter: Forgotten
- Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Family Business
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: A League of Their Own
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Enemies List
- The Final Crisis [For a month, Darkseid rules the Earth. Bruce Wayne is killed (kind of).]
- Absolute Final Crisis
- Final Crisis Companion
- Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds
- Final Crisis: Revelations
- Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge
- Oracle: The Cure [Oracle dissolves the Birds of Prey.]
- R.E.B.E.L.S.: The Coming of Starro [Vril Dox loses control of L.E.G.I.O.N. and reforms R.E.B.E.L.S. once more.]
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Big Game
- The Great Ten
- Terra [Atlee debuts as the new Terra.]
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Five Stages
- Justice League: Cry for Justice
- Justice Society of America: Black Adam & Isis
- Justice Society of America: "Happy Birthday Stargirl"
- Liberty Belle & Hourman: The Inheritance
- Manhunter: Face Off
- Power Girl: Power Trip [Power Girl reactivates her dormant civilian identity of Karen Starr.]
- Wonder Woman: "Fuzzy Logic" (in DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner)
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Run!
- Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant
- Justice Society of America: The Bad Seed [The JSA splits into two teams.]
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance
- Nemesis: The Impostors
- Justice Society of America: Fatherland
- JSA All-Stars: Constellations
- 2011
- Strange Adventures
- R.E.B.E.L.S.: Strange Companions
- R.E.B.E.L.S.: The Son and the Stars
- Justice League: Rise and Fall [Oliver and Dinah separate.]
- Birds of Prey: End Run [The Birds of Prey reunite.]
- Justice League of America / Justice Society of America: The Dark Things
- Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2010
- JSA All-Stars: Glory Days
- Birds of Prey: The Death of Oracle
- Batman: Knight and Squire
- R.E.B.E.L.S.: Sons of Brainiac
- Superman: The Black Ring, volume one
- Justice Society of America: Supertown
- JSA All-Stars: The Puzzlemen / The Prince
- Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011
- Superman: Return of Doomsday
- Superman: The Black Ring, volume two
- Superman: Reign of Doomsday
- Justice Society of America: The Secret History of Monument Point
- R.E.B.E.L.S.: To Be a R.E.B.E.L. / Starstruck
- Green Arrow: Into the Woods
- Green Arrow: Salvation
- Weird Worlds
- My Greatest Adventure
- 2012
- The Flash: The Road to Flashpoint
- The Flashpoint Paradox
- The World of Flashpoint featuring Wonder Woman
- The World of Flashpoint featuring Superman
- The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman
- The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern
- The World of Flashpoint featuring the Flash
- Flashpoint
- The Shade
- 2025
- "Some Years Later" (in Manhunter: Forgotten)
- 2088
- 23rd Century
- 2992
- 2993
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1
- "The Legion of Super-Heroes" (in Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future) [Clark Kent (Superboy) of A.D. 1980 is recruited by the Legion of Super-Heroes]
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Early Years
- 2994
- "The Stolen Super-Powers!" (in Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future)
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 2
- "The Super-Sacrifice of the Legionnaires!" (in Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future)
- Secret Origins: "Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Boys"
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3
- 2995
- DC Comics Classics Library: The Legion of Super-Heroes: The Life and Death of Ferro Lad
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 6
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 7
- 2998
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 9
- 2999
- 3000
- 3001
- Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 13
- "Crisis in the 30th Century!" and "Crisis in Triplicate!" (in Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume Two
- 3002
- Legion of Super-Heroes: Before the Darkness, Volume One
- Legion of Super-Heroes: Before the Darkness, Volume Two
- Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga: The Deluxe Edition
- 3003
- 3008
- Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
- Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds
- Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume 1: Hostile World
- 100th Century
- Legends of the Dead Earth
- 853rd Century
- DC One Million Omnibus

It seems a little unfair to omit the DC titles that don't fit into this timeline, so here they are, ordered by publication date. Ones that share continuities are grouped together:
- Batman '66
- The Empire Galaktika [Earth-37]
- IronWolf (1973-74)
- Tales of the House of IronWolf (1974)
- Twilight (1990-91)
- Ironwolf: Fires of the Revolution (1992)
- The Realm of the Fifteen Worlds
- Starfire (1976-77)
- Star Hunters (1977-78)
- Legion of Super-Heroes [Hypertimeline L1]
- Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
- Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
- The Golden Age: A Different Look at a Different Era (1993-94)
- Legion of Super-Heroes [Earth-247]
- Legion Lost (2000-01)
- Superman: Red Son (2003) [Earth-30]
- Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity (2003)
- Superman: Secret Identity (2004)
- Legion of Super-Heroes [Earth-Prime]
- Teenage Revolution (2004-05)
- Death of a Dream (2005-06)
- Strange Visitor From Another Century (2005-06)
- Adult Education (2005-07)
- Dominator War (2007)
- The Quest For Cosmic Boy (2007-08)
- Enemy Rising (2008)
- Enemy Manifest (2008-09)
- Superman Returns: The Prequels (2006)
- All-Star Superman
- All-Star Superman, volume 1 (2006-07)
- All-Star Superman, volume 2 (2007-08)
- Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil (2007)
- The New 52 and Beyond
- Flashpoint (2011)
- The New 52 (2011)
- Birds of Prey: Trouble in Mind (2011-12)
- The Shade (2011-12)
- Legion of Super-Heroes: Hostile World (2011-12)
- Birds of Prey: Your Kiss Might Kill (2012)
- Birds of Prey: A Clash of Daggers (2012-13)
- Team 7: Fight Fire with Fire (2012-13)
- The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
- Threshold: The Hunted (2013)
- Earth 2: "End Times" (2013) (in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years)
- Birds of Prey: The Cruelest Cut (2013-14)
- Birds of Prey: Soul Crisis (2013-14)
- Zero Year (2013-14)
- The New 52: Futures End: Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
- The Multiversity (2015)
- Convergence: Crisis, Book 1 (2015)
- Convergence: Crisis, Book 2 (2015)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths, Book 1 (2015)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
- Convergence: Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
- Convergence: Zero Hour, Book 2 (2015)
- Convergence: Flashpoint, Book 1 (2015)
- Black Canary: Kicking and Screaming (2015-16)
- The Omega Men: The End Is Here (2015-16)
- Black Canary: New Killer Star (2016)
- Mister Miracle (2017-19)
- Far Sector (2019-21)
- Strange Adventures (2020-21)
- Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (2021-22)
- Power Girl Returns (2022-23)
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