The Three-Body Problem, #01–14 (2023)
Kaldor, Mary
New & Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, 3rd ed. (2012)
Kaler, David
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Kalteux, Luke
Daredevil Season Two (2016)
Kaluta, Michael Wm.
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Morningstar (2005-06)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Kaminski, Len
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 2 (1986-87)
Kämpe, Rose
Dog Days Are Over (2019-20)
Kane, Gil
Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume One (1961-68)
Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups, Volume Two (1965-68)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
"The Secret Origin of Midnight", Secret Origins (1988)
Kane, Paul
"The Between", Bite Sized Horror (2011)
Kanigher, Robert
DC Super-Stars of Space (1951-64)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1 (1947-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Return to Krypton (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
On the Freak Beat (2004-05)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
Dead Robin (2006-07)
Karasik, Paul
City of Glass (1994)
Karatzaferis, Dimitris
Logicomix (2008)
Kargon, Robert H.
Science in Victorian Manchester: Enterprise and Expertise (1977)
Kasakove, David
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Kashdan, George
Blackhawk (1964-66)
Showcase Presents The Green Arrow, Volume One (1958-69)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Kassin, Elisa J.
Co-Editor, Strange New Worlds 9 (2006)
Katz, Jack
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Kaufman, Charlie
Antkind (2020)
Kay, Jim
A Monster Calls (2011)
Kayanan, Rafael
America vs. the Justice Society (1985)
The Children's Crusade (1993-94)
Chewbacca (2000)
Keetch, Anthony
"O Tannenbaum" (2017)
Keller, Julia
"All That Burns the Mind", Columbus Noir (2020)
Kelley, John C.
Daredevil Season Two (2016)
Kelly, Bill
Time Warp (1979-80)
Kelly, James Patrick
"Your Boyfriend Experience" (2020)
Kelly, Jennifer Adams
"Rutle-ing The Doctor: My Long Life in Doctor Who Fandom", Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It (2010)
Kelly, Joe
"P.O.V.—a Fable", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
Return to Krypton (2001)
Prelude to War! (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
"The Dailies 2002" (2002)
Return to Krypton II (2002)
Ending Battle (2002)
Lost Hearts (2003)
"Seeds" (2003)
The Harvest (2003)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
Kelly, Ryan
Children and Monsters (2000-01)
A Dalliance with the Damned (2001-02)
The Divine Comedy (2002)
Inferno (2002-03)
Mansions of the Silence (2003)
Exodus (2003-04)
The Wolf Beneath the Tree (2004)
Crux (2004-05)
Morningstar (2005-06)
Evensong (2002-06)
Ghost Snow (2014-15)
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Kemper, David
"Rhapsody in Blue" (1999)
"Through the Looking Glass" (1999)
"Bone to Be Wild" (2000)
"Family Ties" (2000)
Kempshall, Pete
"Acts of Senseless Devotion", Something Changed (2006)
"The Soul's Prism", Old Friends (2006)
Kendall, May
Essay: "Victorian Poetry of Science: May Kendall"
Kennedy, A. L.
Time Trips (2013-15)
Kenner, Marguerite
CoNZealand Fringe (2020)
Kerschl, Karl
Return to Krypton II (2002)
"Blood, Broads and Bushido", Hungry Ghost (2003)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Sacrifice (2005)
Superman Returns: The Prequels (2006)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
Kershner, Irvin
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Kesel, Barbara
The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner (1998-2012)
Kesel, Karl
The Curse: The Deluxe Edition (1983-84)
History of the DC Universe (1986)
Legends: The Collection (1986-87)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
World Without a Superman (1993)
The Return of Superman (1993)
Batgirl (1997)
Kessel, John
"Invaders", The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1960-90)
"The Closet", 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
Ketcham, Rick
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
A Fairytale Life (2011)
Robots in Disguise, Volume 4 (2012-13)
Keyes, Daniel
Flowers for Algernon (1966)
Keyes, J. Gregory
Conquest (2001)
Rebirth (2001)
Emissary of the Void (2002)
The Final Prophecy (2003)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Khan, Robert
"Playtime Is Over", The Avengers: Steed and Mrs Peel: The Comic Strip Adaptations, Volume Two (2016)
"My Enemy's Enemy", The New Counter Measures: Series Two (2017)
Kingdom of Lies (2018)
Entanglement (2018)
Khan, Sami Ahmad
Star Warriors of the Modern Raj:Materiality, Mythology and Technology of Indian Science Fiction (2021)
Khoury, George
Kimota!: The Miracleman Companion (2001)
Kibler, Julie
Calling Me Home (2013)
Kiernan, Caitlin R.
"Escape Artist", Book of Dreams (1996)
Through the Gates of Horn and Ivory (1997-98)
Kieth, Sam
"The Sandman Cometh...", Infinity, Inc. (1988)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume One (1988-90)
Under New Management (2010)
Kilburn, Matthew
"Was There a Hinchcliffe era?", Time, Unincorporated: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives, Vol. 2: Writings on the Classic Series (1978-2010)
Killiany, Kevin
"Orphans", Grand Designs (2004)
Kim, Bo Yeon
"Into the Forest I Go", Discovery Season 1, Chapter 1 (2017) [re-review]
Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Kim Bo-young
"I'm Waiting for You", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 (2021)
Kim, Isabel J.
"Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid in the Omelas Hole" (2024)
Kin, Mimai
Time Warp (1979-80)
Kincaid, Paul
Iain M. Banks (2017)
Kindt, Matt
"City of Light & Magic", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011 (2011)
My Greatest Adventure (2011-12)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
King, Charles
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
King, Jamie
Jessica Jones Season One (2015)
King, Julie
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7 (2017)
King, Martin
"Helix Takes the Stand", Infinity, Inc. (1987)
King, Mercedes
"An Agreeable Wife for a Suitable Husband", Columbus Noir (2020)
King, Tom
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
The End Is Here (2015-16)
The Vision (2016-17) [Hugo ballot]
Mister Miracle (2017-19)
Strange Adventures (2020-21) [Hugo ballot]
Woman of Tomorrow (2021-22) [Hugo ballot]
Kingfisher, T.
see Vernon, Ursula
Kingsbury, Donald
"To Bring in the Steel, The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
Psychohistorical Crisis (2001)
Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: An Autobiography (1850)
Hypatia (1852-53)
Glaucus; or, The Wonders of the Shore (1855)
Two Years Ago—Vol. I (1857)
Two Years Ago—Vol. II (1857)
The Water-Babies: A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby (1863)
Essay: "The Reverend Charles Kingsley, Victorian Sexter"
Essay: "It's Been a Kingsley Kind of Week"
Essay: "Thomas Chatterton, Eighteenth-Century Forger"
Kipling, Rudyard
The Man who would be King and Other Stories (1885-88)
John Brunner Presents Kipling's Science Fiction (1893-1932)
"With the Night Mail", The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
Kirby, Jack
The Jack Kirby Omnibus, Volume One: Starring Green Arrow (1946-59)
The Green Arrow (1958-59)
"The Black Panther!" and "The Way It Began..!" (1966)
Showcase Presents The Green Arrow, Volume One (1958-69)
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting The Fantastic Four Nos. 52-54, 56, Tales of Suspense Nos. 97-99, Captain America No. 100, The Avengers Nos. 52, 62, 73-74 & Daredevil No. 52 (1966-70)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
The Sandman (1942-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Black Panther (1977-78)
Kirby, Roz
The Green Arrow (1958-59)
Showcase Presents The Green Arrow, Volume One (1958-69)
Kirk, Leonard
Prelude to War! (2001)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Four (2002-03)
JSA (2003-05)
Teenage Revolution (2004-05)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
Utopia (2009)
Dark X-Men (2010)
Kirkham, Tyler
Utopia (2009)
The New 52 (2011)
Kirkman, Robert
Black Panther 2099 (2004)
The Walking Dead: Compendium One (2003-08)
The Walking Dead: Compendium Two (2008-12)
Battleworld (2006-15)
The Walking Dead: Compendium Three (2012-15)
The Walking Dead: Compendium Four (2015-19)
Kitson, Barry
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume One (1985-86)
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Two (1986)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 (1989)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 (1990)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 (1991)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 (1992)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
Teenage Revolution (2004-05)
Strange Adventures (2004-05)
Death of a Dream (2005-06)
Strange Visitor From Another Century (2005-06)
Adult Education (2005-07)
Dominator War (2007)
Kivelä, Sami
Abbott (2018)
Klebs Jr
The Lost Dimension, Book One (2017)
Klein, George
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1 (1958-62)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3 (1964-65)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 4 (1965)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 6 (1966-67)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 7 (1967-68)
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting The Fantastic Four Nos. 52-54, 56, Tales of Suspense Nos. 97-99, Captain America No. 100, The Avengers Nos. 52, 62, 73-74 & Daredevil No. 52 (1966-70)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 11 (1974-75)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
Klein, Nic
"The Perfect Score", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011 (2011)
Kloor, Harry Doc
"The Raven" (1997)
Knapp, Bill
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
Knifton, Pete
Over!" / "Two Steps Back!" / "Break-Away!" / "Desert Island Risks!" /
"Once upon a Time..." / "Life in the Slow Lane" / "Snow Fun!" (1990)
"Mystery!" (1990)
"The Bad Guy's Ball!" (1990)
"Cry Wolf!" / "Wolf in the Fold!" / "Where Wolf?" (1990)
"Secrets" / "Bugged!" / "Internal Affairs!" (1990)
"The House That Wheeljack Built!" / "Divide and Conquer!" / "The 4,000,000 Year Itch!" / "Makin' Tracks!" (1990)
"Shut Up!"/ "Manoeuvres!" (1990)
"Assassins" / "External Forces!" / "The Lesser Evil!" (1990)
"Inside Story!" / "Front Line!" / "End of the Road!" (1990)
Knight, Damon
"The Handler", The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1960-90)
Knight, Grace
"These Stolen Hours" (2020)
Knowler, Shawn
All Hail Megatron, Volume 3 (2008-09)
Koblish, Scott
The Lizard Sanction (1995)
"Law of the Jungle" (2006)
The Lords of Luck (2007)
The Book of Destiny (2007-08)
Legion of 3 Worlds (2008-09)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
"Cornerstone", Justice Society of America (2011)
Koch, Aud
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Koh, Irene
Turf Wars (2017-18)
Kolins, Scott
"Past Imperfect", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Stargirl by Geoff Johns (1999-2003)
Rogues' Revenge (2002-08)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
"Prelude to The Big Noise: Three Months Away" (2009)
Justice Society of America (2009-11)
The Road to Flashpoint (2011)
The World of Flashpoint featuring the Flash (2011)
My Greatest Adventure (2011-12)
The Hunted (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Koneitzko, Bryan
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Art of the Animated Series (2010)
Koorse, Sneha
Daredevil Season Two (2016)
Kordey, Igor
Chewbacca (2000)
Kornbluth, C. M.
The Space Merchants (1952)
Kortege, Ron
Team Avatar Tales (2013-19)
Koschak, Brian
Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju (2010)
Kosmatka, Ted
"The Prophet of Flores" (2007)
"The Prophet of Flores", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
Transformers Holiday Special (2015)
Revolution: Transformers (2015-16)
Kotzky, Alex
Military Comics (1943-44)
Kowal, Mary Robinette
"Evil Robot Monkey", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
The Lady Astronaut of Mars (2012)
"A Fire in the Heavens", Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology (2014)
The Calculating Stars (2018) [Hugo ballot]
The Fated Sky (2018)
The Relentless Moon (2020) [Hugo ballot]
The Spare Man (2022) [Hugo ballot]
Kraft, David Anthony
Blackhawk (1976-77)
Kramer, Don
Black Reign (2003-04)
Lost (2004-05)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
JSA (2003-06)
Mixed Signals (2005-06)
The Spear and the Dragon (2006)
Cry for Justice (2006-10)
Kramer, Ed
Co-Editor, Book of Dreams (1996)
Kramer, Frank
The Magical Mimics in Oz (1946)
The Shaggy Man of Oz (1949)
Krämer, Peter
2001: A Space Odyssey (2010)
Krasinski, John
A Quiet Place (2018)
Krasnoff, Barbara
"The Didibug Pin", Menial: Skilled Labor in Science Fiction (2013)
Krause, Peter
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Birds of Prey, Volume 2 (1999)
Kreighbaum, Mark
"The Gate of Gold", Book of Dreams (1996)
Kreisberg, Andrew
Enemies List (2009)
Big Game (2009-10)
Five Stages (2010)
Kress, Nancy
"Invisible People", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 6 (2020)
Kressel, Matthew
"Still You Linger, Like Soot in the Air", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 6 (2020)
Kristiansen, Teddy H.
WitchCraft (1994)
The Starman Omnibus, Volume One (1994-95)
Sandman Midnight Theatre (1995)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Four (1993-96)
Foundation (1996-97)
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days (1989-99)
House of Secrets Omnibus (1996-2001)
Desolation (2011)
Kritzer, Naomi
"The Thing About Ghost Stories" (2018)
Catfishing on CatNet (2019)
"Little Free Library" (2020)
"Monster" (2020)
Chaos on CatNet (2021)
Liberty's Daughter (2012-23)
"The Year Without Sunshine" and "Better Living Through Algorithms" (2023)
Krul, J. T.
Nightfall (2007)
Five Stages (2010)
Rise and Fall (2010)
Into the Woods (2010-11)
Salvation (2011)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
Kruse, John
"Tunnel of Fear", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 6 (2016)
Kryssing, Ray
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Kube-McDowell, Michael P.
Before the Storm (1996)
Shield of Lies (1996)
Tyrant's Test (1997)
Kubert, Adam
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
Kubert, Andy
Adam Strange: The Man of Two Worlds (1990)
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: The Deluxe Edition, With other tales of the Dark Knight (1989-2009)
Flashpoint (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Kubert, Joe
The Generations Saga, Volume One (1983-84)
"The Mekanique Paradox", The Young All-Stars (1988)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Kuder, Aaron
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Kudranski, Szymon
Face Off (2009-10)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Kuhn, Andy
Sky Jacks! (2012-13)
Kuhn, Thomas S.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd ed. (1996)
Kupperberg, Alan
Family Crisis! (1984)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 1 (1984-86)
"The Origin of the Tarantula!", All-Star Squadron (1987)
"Ancient Histories", Secret Origins (1987)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 4 (1988-89)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
Kupperberg, Paul
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One (1977-78)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume Two (1978-80)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Before the Darkness, Volume One (1978-81)
"Battle Beneath the Earth!", The Starfire Saga (1982)
"To Steal a Sun", Sun Devils (1984-85)
All-Star Squadron (1985)
"Sargasso Sector", Grand Designs (2004)
Ragnarok (2020)
Kurth, Steve
Dark Prelude (2012-13)
Kurti, Richard
Primeval Series One and Two (2007-08)
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles (2015)
Kurtzman, Alex
Nero (2009)
Co-Creator, Discovery Season 1 (2017-18) [re-review]
"Such Sweet Sorrow", Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Kusaka, Hidenori
Essay: "Discovering Pokémon Adventures"
Kusano, Iori
Kuttner, Henry
"Mimsy Were the Borogoves", The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
Kwapisz, Gary
Hawkworld (1990-92)
Kweku, Ezekiel
Imperial Phase Part 1 (2016-17)
Kwitney, Alisa
The Children's Crusade (1993-94)
Beyond the Shores of Night (1996-97)
Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold (1997)
Under New Management (2010)
Free Country: A Tale of the Children's Crusade (1993-2015)
Flashpoint, Book 1 (2015)
Kyle, Craig
Utopia (2009)
Kyle, David A.
The Dragon Lensman (1980)
Lensman from Rigel (1982)
Z-Lensman (1983)
Kyriazis, Ilias
The Hyopthetical Gentleman (2012)
LaBan, Terry
Beyond the Shores of Night (1996-97)
LaBute, Neil
Possession (2002)
Lackey, Mercedes
Music to My Sorrow (2005)
Laclaustra, Mariano
Terrorformer (2014-15)
Fractures (2015)
Hyperion (2015)
Doctormania (2016)
The Twist (2016)
Sonic Boom (2016-17)
The Terror Beneath (2017)
"The Promise" (2017)
The Lost Dimension, Book One (2017)
The Lost Dimension, Book Two (2017)
"Midnight Feast" (2018)
The Many Lives of Doctor Who (2018)
Lacombe, Michel
Utopia (2009)
Lafferty, Mur
"750,000 of Your Friends Like This", Voices from the Past (2011)
Six Wakes (2017) [Hugo ballot]
Laight, Rupert
"The Frozen" (2007)
Lambert, Brent
Lambert, Hallie
The Expanse: Origins (2017-18)
Laming, Marc
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Land, Greg
Old Friends, New Enemies (1997-99)
Birds of Prey, Volume 2 (1999)
The Ring, the Arrow and the Bat (1998-2000)
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
Landini, Stefano
The Space Between (2009)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Conception (2010-11)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Landy, Derek
The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage (2013)
Lane, Andrew
Evening's Empire (1990-93)
"The Similarity Engine", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series One (2010)
"The Backwards Men", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Eight (2014)
All-Consuming Fire (2015)
Original Sin (2016)
"The Trial of a Time Machine", The Seventh Doctor: The New Adventures, Volume One (2018)
The Scent of Blood (2019)
Lane, Mary E. Bradley
Mizora: A World of Women (1880-81)
Lang, Chris
Primeval Series One (2007)
Primeval Series Five (2011)
Lang, Jeffrey
"Foundlings", Prophecy and Change (2003)
The Light Fantastic (2014)
Force and Motion (2016)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Lang, Paul
Designer, Doctor Who: The Brilliant Book 2011 (2010)
Designer, Doctor Who: The Brilliant Book 2012 (2011)
Langridge, Roger
The Glorious Dead (1979-2001)
The Flood (2003-05)
The Betrothal of Sontar (2006-07)
The Widow's Curse (2007-08)
Thor: The Mighty Avenger (2010-11)
The Child of Time (2010-11)
Prisoners of Time, Volume 2 (2013)
The Highgate Horror (2015-16)
Lanning, Andy
A Cold Day in Hell! (1987-89)
The Sleeze Brothers File (1989-90)
Legion Lost (2000-01)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
Bloodstone (2001-02)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
"U-Boats & Dinosaurs" / "Her Daughter's Mother" (2002)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Infinite Crisis (2005-06)
Infinite Crisis Companion (2006)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Utopia (2009)
Doomwar (2010)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Wonder Woman (2011)
Infestation v.1 (2011)
Infestation v.2 (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
"Synchronicity II" (2014)
Lanthimos, Yorgos
Poor Things (2023)
Lapham, David
Desolation (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Lapiduss, Sally
"I, E.T." (1999)
"They've Got a Secret" (1999)
LaPlante, Matthew D.
Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To (2019)
Lapointe, Serge
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two (2005-06)
Lark, Michael
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
Half a Life (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
In the Line of Duty (2003)
Jokers and Madmen (2003-04)
On the Freak Beat (2004-05)
Secret War (2004-05)
Larraz, Pepe
Klaws of the Panther (2010-11)
Larroca, Salvador
Wild Kingdom (2005)
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
Larsen, Kristine
"Everything Dies: The Message of Mortality in the Eccleston and Tennant Years", Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom, 1963-2012 (2013)
Larsen, Nella
Quicksand (1929)
Larson, Rich
"Complete Exhaustion of the Organism", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 (2021)
Lashley, Ken
Death of a Dream (2005-06)
Strange Visitor From Another Century (2005-06)
Adult Education (2005-07)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
"Black to the Future", Black Panther (2008)
The Deadliest of the Species (2009)
Power (2009-10)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Co-Editor, Galaxy Awards 1: Chinese Science Fiction Anthology (2022)
Lauria, Cath
Elsa Bloodstone: Bequest (2021)
LaVelle, Victor
The Ballad of Black Tom (2016)
Lawlis, Dan
"Prices", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Lawrence, David
Doctor Who and the City of Death (1992)
Lawrence, Don
A Dream of Flying (1982-89)
Lawrence, Jack
Dissolution (2016-17)
The Plotters' Club (2017)
The Everlasting Voices (2018)
Crucible (2018)
"How To Say Goodbye and Mean It: Part 2" (2018)
Star Trek vs. Transformers (2018-19)
Friendship in Disguise! (2020)
The Magic of Cybertron (2021)
Lawrence, Jim
The James Bond Omnibus, Volume 002 (1964-68)
Lawrence, Philip
"Question Marks", Recorded Time and other stories (2011)
Layman, John
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Layton, Bob
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 12 (1975-77)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 13 (1977)
Star Hunters (1977-78)
Only Legends Live Forever (1976-79)
The Huntress: Origins (1977-82)
Lazarus, Henry
The English Revolution of the Twentieth Century: A Prospective History (1894)
Le, Tan
The NeuroGeneration: The New Era in Brain Enhancement That Is Revolutionizing the Way We Think, Work, and Heal (2020)
Lea, Rob
Of Like Minds (2003-04)
Between Dark & Dawn (2004)
Sacrifice (2005)
Leach, Garry
A Dream of Flying (1982-89)
Leach, Russ
Monstrous Beauty (1991-2022)
The White Dragon (2020-22)
Lean, Rob
The New 52 (2011)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Leav, Mort
Military Comics (1944)
Leaver, Rae
"Girl on the Trapeze", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 5 (2016)
"The Frighteners", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 6 (2016)
Leckie, Ann
Ancillary Justice (2013) [reread]
Ancillary Sword (2014)
Ancillary Mercy (2015)
Provenance (2017) [Hugo ballot]
The Raven Tower (2019)
Translation State (2023) [Hugo ballot]
Lee, Alvin
End Run (2010-11)
Lee, Georgia
The Expanse: Origins (2017-18)
Lee, Jae
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Lee, Jim
For Tomorrow, Volume One (2004)
For Tomorrow, Volume Two (2004-05)
Armageddon (2005-06)
The New 52 (2011)
The Multiversity (2015)
Lee, Norman
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Three (1997-98)
Circle of Friends (2004)
Lee, Paul
Through the Gates of Horn and Ivory (1997-98)
Heading into the Light (2005-06)
Lee, Stan
"The Black Panther!" and "The Way It Began..!" (1966)
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting The Fantastic Four Nos. 52-54, 56, Tales of Suspense Nos. 97-99, Captain America No. 100, The Avengers Nos. 52, 62, 73-74 & Daredevil No. 52 (1966-70)
Lee, Tanith
"Crying in the Rain", The 1988 Annual World's Best SF (1987)
Lee, Tony
The Betrothal of Sontar (2006-07)
The Forgotten (2008-09)
Fugitive (2009)
Tesseract (2009-10)
Final Sacrifice (2010)
"Private Enemy No. 1", Epoch (2010-11)
The Ripper (2011)
When Words Collide (2011)
It Came From Outer Space (2011)
Assimilation² (2012)
"Vesuvius Falling", Legion (2012)
Dead Man's Hand (2012-13)
Lee, Yoon Ha
"A Vector Alphabet for Interstellar Travel", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
Ninefox Gambit (2016) [Hugo ballot]
Raven Stratagem (2017) [Hugo ballot]
"Extracurricular Activities" (2017)
Revenant Gun (2018) [Hugo ballot]
"Entropy War", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 4 (2018)
Hexarchate Stories (2012-19)
Dragon Pearl (2019) [Lodestar ballot]
"The Mermaid Astronaut" (2020)
Essay: "Science Fiction and the Hermit Crab"
Le Fanu, J. Sheridan
The Rose and the Key (1871)
In a Glass Darkly (1851-72)
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)
The Tombs of Atuan (1971)
The Farthest Shore (1972)
Tehanu (1990)
Co-Editor, The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1993)
"Nine Lives" and "The Author of the Acacia Seeds", The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One: Rocannon's World / Planet of Exile / City of Illusions / The Left Hand of Darkness / The Dispossessed / Stories (1964-95)
Where on Earth (1973-96)
"The Silence of the Asonu" (1998)
Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume Two: The Word for World Is Forest / Stories / Five Ways to Forgiveness / The Telling (1972-2000)
Tales from Earthsea (1997-2001)
The Other Wind (2001)
Changing Planes (1998-2003)
Annals of the Western Shore: Gifts / Voices / Powers (2004-07)
Subject, 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
Words Are My Matter: Writing About Life and Books, 2000-2016 with A Journal of a Writer's Week (1997-2016) [Hugo ballot]
No Time to Spare: Thinking about What Matters (2010-16) [Hugo ballot]
Collected Poems (1960-2018)
Conversations on Writing (2018) [Hugo ballot]
Always Coming Home: Author's Expanded Edition (1981-2019)
Essay: "Two Ways to Ursula K. Le Guin (1929–2018)"
Lei, Alex
Of Like Minds (2003-04)
Sensei & Student (2004)
Sacrifice (2005)
Purge (2005-13)
Leialoha, Steve
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Three (1991-2000)
The Dead Boy Detectives (2001)
Leiber, Fritz
The Big Time (1958)
The Wanderer (1964)
Changewar (1958-65)
Leigh, Rob
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Leisten, Jay
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Wild Kingdom (2005)
Storm (2006)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
World Tour (2006-07)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Utopia (2009)
Dark X-Men (2010)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
Leitch, Gillian I.
Editor, Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom, 1963-2012 (2013)
Lem, Stanislaw
Summa Technologiae (1964)
Highcastle: A Remembrance (1966)
Imaginary Magnitude (1981)
"The Lilo", Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem (1959-2011)
Essay: "Science Fiction and the Hermit Crab"
Lemire, Jeff
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Lemke, Ian
"Signals" (2017)
"Decision Point" (2017)
L'Engle, Madeleine
A Wrinkle in Time / The Arm of the Starfish / A Wind in the Door / Dragons in the Waters (1962-76)
Many Waters / A House Like a Lotus / A Swiftly Tilting Planet / An Acceptable Time (1978-89)
Lenox, Emi
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Leon, John Paul
Black Widow: Deadly Origin (2010)
Leon, Nico
Super Famous (2016)
Leonard, Paul
Toy Soldiers (1995)
The Turing Test (2000)
Leonardi, Rick
Superman Returns: The Prequels (2006)
Enemy Manifest (2008-09)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Superman (2011)
Zero Hour, Book 2 (2015)
Flashpoint, Book 1 (2015)
Leong, Sloane
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Lepionka, Kristen
"Gun People", Columbus Noir (2020)
le Queux, William
The Zeppelin Destroyer: Being Some Chapters of Secret History (1916)
The Terror of the Air (1920)
Lerner, Sharon
The Prisoner of Vega (1977)
Leth, Kate
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Letts, Barry
Interviewee, Talkback: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Doctor Who Interview Book, Volume Two: The Seventies (1977-2006)
Levene, Rebecca
Where Angels Fear (1998)
"The Serpent's Tooth", Parallel Lives (2006)
Editor, Missing Adventures (2007)
Many Happy Returns (2012)
Levi, Primo
The Periodic Table (1975)
Levine, George
Darwin and the Novelists: Patterns of Science in Victorian Fiction (1988)
Dying to Know: Scientific Epistemology and Narrative in Victorian England (2002)
Levithan, David
Essay: "Thoughts on LGBT Representation in Literature"
Two Boys Kissing (2013)
Levitz, Paul
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4 (1975-77)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 12 (1975-77)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 13 (1977)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One (1977-78)
Showcase Presents... Power Girl (1978)
The Millennium Massacre (1978)
Only Legends Live Forever (1976-79)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume Two (1978-80)
Time Warp (1979-80)
"This Immortal Destiny: The Secret Origin of Doctor Fate", The Immortal Doctor Fate (1940-82)
The Huntress: Origins (1977-82)
Before the Darkness, Volume Two (1980-82)
The Great Darkness Saga: The Deluxe Edition (1982-83)
The Curse: The Deluxe Edition (1983-84)
The Demise of Justice (1951-91)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
JSA (2006)
Under New Management (2010)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Early Years (2010)
The New 52 (2011)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Hostile World (2011-12)
Legion: Secret Origin (2011-12)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Infinite Earths, Book 1 (2015)
Lewes, George Henry
Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences: Being an Exposition of the Principles of the Cours de Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte (1853)
Lewin, Robert
"Datalore" (1988)
Lewis, Bob
"The Secret Origin of Dr. Occult", Secret Origin (1987)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Lewis, L. D.
Lewis, Sinclair
Arrowsmith (1924) [reread] [retaught]
Li, Yishan
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
Liddell, Scott
"Slip Away", Lady Stardust (2012)
Lidster, Joseph
"A Summer Affair", A Life Worth Living (2004)
"On Trial", A Life in Pieces (2004)
"She Won't Be Home", The History of Christmas (2005)
"Dead Mice", Something Changed (2006)
Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus (2006)
"Natalie's Diary", Dalek Empire (2006)
"Keeping it Real", The Ghosts of Christmas (2007)
The Final Amendment (2007)
"Success", Voices from the Past (2011)
One Rule (2014)
"Haunted" (2015)
Broken (2016)
"A Full Life" (2016)
"New Girl", Torchwood One: Before the Fall (2017)
"Poker Face", Aliens Among Us 3 (2018)
"The Siege of Big Ben" (2018)
"Flight into Hull!" (2018)
Lieber, Steve
Hawkman (1993-96)
Dead Robin (2006-07)
Revelations (2008-09)
Liefeld, Rob
The New 52 (2011)
Lightle, Steve
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Lightning, Chuck
Dirty Computer (2018)
Lim, Ron
Panther's Prey (1989-94)
The Venom Factor (1994)
Heading into the Light (2005-06)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
Lima, Igor
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Lin, Justin
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Linbach, Gustave
The Azrael of Anarchy (1894)
Lindelof, Damon
"A God Walks into Abar" (2019)
"This Extraordinary Being" (2019)
Ling, Peter
Hexagora (2011)
"Ashes of Roses" and "Dance with Death", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 2 (2014)
Lingen, Marissa
"The Calculus Plague", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
Linke, Christian
"The Monster You Created" (2021)
Linstrum, Catherine
Primeval Series Three (2009)
Lipka, Mark
Strength in Numbers (1998)
Lippoldt, Erika
"Into the Forest I Go", Discovery Season 1, Chapter 1 (2017) [re-review]
Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Liptak, Andrew
Co-Editor, War Stories: New Military Science Fiction (2014)
Liss, David
Black Panther: The Man without Fear! (2011)
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive! (2011-12)
Litt, Toby
"The Melancholy", Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem (1959-2011)
Schoolboy Terrors (2013-14)
Free Country: A Tale of the Children's Crusade (1993-2015)
Ghost Snow (2014-15)
Little Corvus
Team Avatar Tales (2013-19)
Little, Jason
Legend of the Green Flame (2000)
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Little Badger, Darcie
Elatsoe (2020)
A Snake Falls to Earth (2021)
Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe (2024)
Liu, Cixin
The Three-Body Problem (2006)
The Dark Forest (2008)
Death's End (2010) [Hugo ballot]
"Moonlight", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 5 (2019)
Liu, Ken
"The Algorithms for Love" (2004)
"The Algorithms for Love", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
"In the Loop", War Stories: New Military Science Fiction (2014)
"Byzantine Empathy", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 4 (2018)
The Hidden Girl and Other Stories (2011-20) [teaching notes]
"Uma", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 6 (2020)
"Jaunt", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 (2021)
Liu, Marjorie
Awakening (2015-16) [Hugo ballot]
The Blood (2016-17) [Hugo ballot]
Haven (2018) [Hugo ballot]
The Chosen (2019) [Hugo ballot]
Warchild (2020) [Hugo ballot]
The Vow (2020-21) [Hugo ballot]
Devourer (2022) [Hugo ballot]
Livesay, John
Gorilla Warfare (1999-2002)
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Day of Vengeance (2005)
Fear (2005-06)
Adult Education (2005-07)
Enemy Rising (2008)
Enemy Manifest (2008-09)
Forgotten (2008-09)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 9 (2015-16)
Llewellyn, David
"Paradise Frost", Road Trip (2012)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (2013)
The Worlds of Big Finish (2015)
The Conspiracy (2015)
Uncanny Valley (2016)
Zone 10 (2016)
"The Shadow Vortex", Agents of Chaos (2016)
Visiting Hours (2017)
Though Scoundrels Are Discovered (2017)
The Death of Captain Jack (2018)
Serpent in the Silver Mask (2018)
Instant Karma (2018)
"Eye of the Storm", God Among Us 2 (2019)
"The Coney Island Chameleon" and "Darkness and Light", Rage of the Time Lords (2019)
Lloyd, David
The Return of the Daleks (1979-80)
V for Vendetta (1982-88)
Daleks: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection, Volume 1 (1979-89)
Nemesis of the Daleks (1980-90)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
Cybermen: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection (1979-2005)
Conception (2010-11)
Lloyd, Elisabeth A.
The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution (2005)
Lloyd, John Uri
Stringtown On the Pike: A Tale of Northernmost Kentucky (1900)
Lobaccaro, Grazia
The Space Between (2009)
Lobdell, Scott
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
Lobosco, Raphael
The One (2016)
Locke, Vince
Dr. Death and The Night of the Butcher (1994-95)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Two (1990-98)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Three (1991-2000)
Locke, William J.
Septimus (1908-09)
Lodge, Reagan
"The Bridge", Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Loeb, Jeph
Haunted Knight: The Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Specials: Three Tales of Halloween in Gotham City (1993-95)
The Long Halloween (1996-97) [reread]
Superman For All Seasons (1998)
The Witching Hour (1999-2000)
Dark Victory (1999-2000)
Return to Krypton (2001)
Prelude to War! (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
"The Dailies 2002" (2002)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
Public Enemies (2003-04)
Supergirl (2004)
When in Rome (2000-05)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Absolute Power (2005)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
Lofamia, June
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Lofficier, Randy and Jean-Marc
"A Symphony of Shadows: The Secret Origins of Zatara and Zatanna", Secret Origins (1988)
Logan, Peter
Interviewee, Talkback: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Doctor Who Interview Book, Volume Two: The Seventies (1977-2006)
London, Jack
The Iron Heel (1908)
Longcroft, Sean
Ground Zero (1995-96)
End Game (1996-98)
The Crimson Hand (2008-10)
Lopez, Alvaro
Batgirl: Year One (2003)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
López, Danny
"Jackknife", Tampa Bay Noir (2020)
Lopez, David
The OMAC Project (2005)
Sacrifice (2005)
"In Search Of...", JSA (2005)
Mixed Signals (2005-06)
Perfect Pitch (2005-06)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Lopez, Julian
Oracle: The Cure (2009)
Lopez, Michael
Bloodstone (2001-02)
Lopresti, Aaron
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
Enemy Rising (2008)
Weird Worlds (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
My Greatest Adventure (2011-12)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Crisis, Book 2 (2015)
Lorrah, Jean
Survivors (1989)
Metamorphosis (1990)
Lotay, Tula
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Commercial Suicide (2015)
Loudon, Jane
The Mummy!: A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century (1827)
Love, Fred
"Biological Clock" (2017)
Lovegrove, James
"The Bowlder Strain", The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction (2007)
Lowachee, Karin
"Enemy State", War Stories: New Military Science Fiction (2014)
Lowe, Charles
The Great War of 189—: A Forecast (1893)
Lowe, John
The Darkstars (1993)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Black Canary/Oracle/Huntress: Birds of Prey (1996-97)
Lowery, David
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Filmed Adaptation of the Chivalric Romance by Anonymous (2021)
Lowther, George
Superman (1942)
Lu, Ben
see Ban, Lu
Lu, S. Qiouyi
"Mother Tongues", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 4 (2018)
Lucarotti, John
"The Far Distant Dead", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 7 (2017)
Lucas, George
Star Wars (1977)
Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Lucas, John
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Face Off (2009-10)
Lucas, Matt
little me: My autobiography (2017)
Lucas, Jorge
Black Panther (2002-03)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Luceno, James
Hero's Trial (2000)
Jedi Eclipse (2000)
The Unifying Force (2003)
Darth Plagueis (2011)
Luhrs, Natalie
"George R.R. Martin Can Fuck off into the Sun, or: The 2020 Hugo Awards Ceremony (Rageblog Edition)" (2020)
Luke, Eric
"The Way of the Amazon", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
Lumet, Jenny
"Such Sweet Sorrow", Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Lumumba, Rawles
"Combustion Man on a Train", Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Luna, Angel B.
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Lunney, Lizz
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Lupacchino, Emanuela
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Lusky, Gretel
"Little Red Fighting Hood" (2020)
Lyn, Kathryn
"wej Duj" (2021)
"Those Old Scientists" (2023)
Lynch, David
Wild at Heart (1990)
Lynskey, Kevin
Imperial Phase Part 1 (2016-17)
Lyon, Winston
Batman vs. Three Villains of Doom (1966)
Batman vs. the Fearsome Foursome (1966)
Lyonne, Natasha
Russian Doll Season One (2019)
Lyons, Steve
Doctor Who: The Completely Useless Encyclopedia (Incorporating the Junior Doctor Who Book of Lists) (1996)
"Taken by the Muses", A Life of Surprises (2002)
Smoke and Mirrors (2013)
The Highgate Horror (2015-16)
Warlock's Cross (2018)
Maberry, Jonathan
Power (2009-10)
Doomwar (2010)
Klaws of the Panther (2010-11)
Macan, Darko
Chewbacca (2000)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Macchio, Ralph
"War and Remembrance!" (1982)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 1 (1984-86)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 4 (1988-89)
Macdonald, Kate
Editor, Fictions of a Feminist Future (2013)
MacDougall, Ranald
The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959)
Machado, Carmen Maria
"Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order: SVU" (2013)
Machen, Arthur
Fantastic and Horrific Stories (1894-1921)
Machlan, Mike
The Generations Saga, Volume One (1983-84)
The Generations Saga, Volume Two (1984-85)
"The Final Crisis", The Last JLA–Justice Society Team-Up! (1985)
All-Star Squadron (1983-86)
Infinity, Inc. (1985-88)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Mack, David Alan
Failsafe (2004)
"Failsafe", Grand Designs (2004)
A Time to Heal (2004)
Zero Sum Game (2010)
Rise Like Lions (2011)
The Persistence of Memory (2012)
Silent Weapons (2012)
The Body Electric (2013)
A Ceremony of Losses (2013)
Disavowed (2014)
Desperate Hours (2017)
Fortune of War (2017)
Control (2017)
Mack, David W.
Alias: Ultimate Collection, Book 1 (2001-02)
MacKenzie, Norman and Jeanne
The Life of H. G. Wells: The Time Traveller (1987)
MacLaughlin, Iain
"Far Away in a Manger", The Ghosts of Christmas (2007)
Maclean, Katherine
"The Snowball Effect", The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
MacLeod, Ian R.
"The God of Nothing", Burning Brightly: 50 Years of Novavon (1989-2012)
Maddox, Mike
Gods and Monsters (2012)
Trial of the Valeyard (2013)
Madison, Ivory
Huntress: Year One (2008)
Madrid, Mike
Editor, Divas, Dames & Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics (2013)
Editor, Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics (2014)
Madrigal, Julia
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Magalhães, José Wilson
Big Game (2009-10)
Five Stages (2010)
"Heart of Steel", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant (2010)
Maggin, Elliot S.
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4 (1975-77)
Starfire (1976-77)
Last Son of Krypton (1978)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Miracle Monday (1981)
Star Raiders (1983)
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Maggs, Sam
Friendship in Disguise! (2020)
The Magic of Cybertron (2021)
Magnet, Shoshana
"Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Have We Really Come That Far?", Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It (2010)
Magno, Carlos
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
Forgotten (2008-09)
Magpayo, Joel
Time Warp (1979-80)
Magrs, Mark
"Christmas Everyday", The Ghosts of Christmas (2007)
Magrs, Paul
"The Curious Package", Voices from the Past (2011)
Enter Wildthyme (2011)
"Hold onto Yourself", Lady Stardust (2012)
"All the Many Rooms", Zenith Lives!: Tales of M.Zenith, the Albino (2012)
Vince Cosmos: Glam Rock Detective (2013)
Spanish Ladies (2013)
The Lady of Mercia (2013)
"Mrs Wibbsey's Festive Diary" (2013)
The Elixir of Doom (2014)
"The Golden Dresses", The Avengers: Steed and Mrs Peel: The Comic Strip Adaptations, Volume One (2016)
The Peterloo Massacre (2016)
"The Last Fairy Tale", The Memory Bank and other stories (2016)
Muse of Fire (2018)
Maguire, Kevin
The Cat and the Bat (2008)
Weird Worlds (2011)
My Greatest Adventure (2011-12)
Magyar, Rick
The Generations Saga, Volume One (1983-84)
"A Man Called Doome!", All-Star Squadron (1984)
"Planetkill", Sun Devils (1984-85)
Hawkman (1993-94)
Fear (2005-06)
Utopia (2009)
Mahlstedt, Larry
The Immortal Doctor Fate (1940-82)
The Great Darkness Saga: The Deluxe Edition (1982-83)
The Curse: The Deluxe Edition (1983-84)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
Mahnke, Doug
Return to Krypton (2001)
Prelude to War! (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
The Man Who Laughs (2003-05)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two (2005-06)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
Absolute Final Crisis (2008-09)
Final Crisis Companion (2008-09)
The New 52 (2011)
The Multiversity (2015)
Mains, Johnny
Editor, Bite Sized Horror (2011)
Maitland, Sara
"Moss Witch", When It Changed: Science into Fiction (2009)
Makhija, Devashish
"By Two", Mumbai Noir (2012)
Malcolm, Sally
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Malik, Usman T.
"Beyond These Stars Other Tribulations of Love", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 6 (2020)
Mallaburn, Tom
"The Far Distant Dead", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 7 (2017)
Mallinson, Alex
"Dead and Buried", Epoch (2010-11)
Mallock, W. H.
The New Republic, or Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country House (1877)
Maloney, Casey
Infestation v.2 (2011)
Maltese, Racheline
"Narrative Conflict and the Portrayal of the Media, Public Relations and Marketing in the New Doctor Who", Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom, 1963-2012 (2013)
Manapul, Francis
Enemy Rising (2008)
Enemy Manifest (2008-09)
The Road to Flashpoint (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Manara, Milo
"What I've tasted of Desire", Endless Nights (2003)
Mandrake, Tom
Spanner's Galaxy (1984-85)
"Wall Street Raider", Hawkworld (1991)
Inferno (1992)
Redemption Lost (2004)
Lost (2004-05)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Maneely, Mike
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Manfredi, Federica
Spock: Reflections (2009)
Captain's Log (2010)
Burden of Knowledge (2010)
Mangels, Andy
"The Orb of Opportunity", Prophecy and Change (2003)
"Ishtar Rising", Aftermath (2003-04)
Manley, Mike
Four of a Kind (1995)
Enemy of the State (1999)
Sensei & Student (2004)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Mann, George
Editor, The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction (2007)
The Pyralis Effect (2009)
"Low/Profile", Lady Stardust (2012)
"The Albino's Shadow", Zenith Lives!: Tales of M.Zenith, the Albino (2012)
"Military Intelligence", Jago & Litefoot: Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Six (2013)
Fractures (2015)
Hyperion (2015)
A Matter of Life and Death (2015-16)
The Twist (2016)
Supremacy of the Cybermen (2016)
Ghost Stories (2016-17)
The Terror Beneath (2017)
Roots (2017)
The Lost Dimension, Book One (2017)
The Lost Dimension, Book Two (2017)
"Midnight Feast" (2018)
Manna, Francesco
A Confusion of Angels (2017-18)
Manna, Lou
Infinity, Inc. (1988)
"The Sons of Dawn", The Young All-Stars (1989)
Manning, Richard
"Throne for a Loss" (1999)
"That Old Black Magic" (1999)
"Nerve" (2000)
"Mind the Baby" (2000)
Mansfield, Arfie
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Mantlo, Bill
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 1 (1984-86)
Invasion! (1988)
Marais, Raymond
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Maranville, Anthony
"The Red Angel", Discovery Season 2 (2019)
March, Guillem
The Death of Oracle (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Marcos, Pablo
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
"Enter-- the Omega Men!", The Starfire Saga (1982)
"…And They Shall Crush the Headmen!" (1983)
"The Doppelganger Gambit", Crisis in the Thunderbolt Dimension! (1983)
All-Star Squadron (1985)
Infinity, Inc. (1985-87)
Invasion! (1988)
Fear the Reaper (1987-91)
Maresca, Luca
Arena of Fear (2016)
Marek, Adam
"Terracotta Robot", Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem (1959-2011)
Marimon, Bill
Damage (1994-96)
Marquand, Richard
Return of the Jedi (1980)
Marquis, Max
"Diamond Cut Diamond", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 5 (2016)
Marron, Lynn
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Marsh, Richard
The Beetle (1897)
Marshall, David
The Surprising Effects of Sympathy: Marivaux, Diderot, Rousseau, and Mary Shelley (1988)
Marshall, John
Nemesis of the Daleks (1980-90)
"Flashkcab!" (1990)
"The Living Nightlights!" (1990)
"Assassins" / "External Forces!" / "The Lesser Evil!" (1990)
Marshall, Paul
Death's Head: Freelance Peacekeeping Agent (1988-91)
Marston, John
The Malcontent (c. 1603)
Marter, Ian
Doctor Who and the Ark in Space (1977)
Martin, Cynthia
Shellshocked (2006)
Martin, David
The Adventures of K9 (2013)
Martin, Dick
Merry Go Round in Oz (1963)
Yankee in Oz (1973)
The Enchanted Island of Oz (1976)
The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1980)
The Ozmapolitan of Oz (1986)
Martin, Eric
"The Nexus Event" (2021)
"Glorious Purpose" (2023)
Martin, George R.R.
Editor, Fort Freak (2011)
Martin, Iain
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Martin, Jason
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (2005)
Martin, Jessica
Operation Volcano (2018)
Martin, Marcos
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book One (1999-2000)
Robin: Year One (2001)
Batgirl: Year One (2003)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Martin, Michael A.
"The Orb of Opportunity", Prophecy and Change (2003)
"Ishtar Rising", Aftermath (2003-04)
Seize the Fire (2010)
Fallen Gods (2012)
Martinbrough, Shawn C.
Chase (1998-2002)
Origins (2005-06)
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive! (2011-12)
Body and Soul (2008)
Martine, Arkady
A Memory Called Empire (2019) [Hugo ballot]
A Desolation Called Peace (2021) [Hugo ballot]
Rose/House (2023)
Martineau, Harriet
Deerbrook (1839)
Martinez, Alitha E.
Black Panther (1998-99)
Dawn of the Midnight Angels (2017)
Martinez, Allen
Wild Kingdom (2005)
Martinez, Alvaro
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
Martino, Stefano
Agent Provocateur (2008)
The Forgotten (2008-09)
Marx, Christy
The Cruelest Cut (2013-14)
Soul Crisis (2013-14)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Marz, Ron
The Adventures of Alan Scott--Green Lantern (1992-93)
Emerald Allies (1996-97)
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
The New 52 (2011)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Marzán Jr., José
"What Dis Be", Mosaic (1993)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
"Child's Play" (2001)
"Don't Cry for Me, Bialya" (2001)
"Strange Behavior" (2001)
Prelude to War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
"Shipbuilding" (2001)
"Cult of Persuasion (prologue)" (2002)
"A Lex" (2002)
Cult of Persuasion (2002)
Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book One (2002-03)
"Valentine's Day Sale" (2003)
Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book Two (2003-04)
One Small Step (2003-04)
Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book Three (2004-05)
Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book Four (2005-06)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
Motherland (2006-07)
Whys and Wherefores (2007-08)
Love Stories for Dead People (2008-09)
The Space Between (2009)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Under New Management (2010)
Safe As Houses (2010)
Conception (2010-11)
Desolation (2011)
The World of Flashpoint featuring the Flash (2011)
Fight Fire with Fire (2012-13)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Infinite Earths, Book 1 (2015)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
The End Is Here (2015-16)
Essay: "Joe Casey's Adventures of Superman: Final Post and Reflection"
Mason, Cameron
"Final Draft", A Life Worth Living (2004)
Massacci, Alex
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
Massafera, Felipe
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
Massengill, Nathan
Enemy Rising (2008)
Justice Society of America (2008-09)
Masters, Jason
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Matere, Marcelo
All Hail Megatron, Volume 3 (2008-09)
Mather, Berkeley
"The Frighteners", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 6 (2016)
Matheson, Richard
The Shrinking Man (1956)
Essay: "Discovering Pokémon Adventures"
Matte, Johane
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Matthewman, Scott
"Tell Me You Love Me", The Ghosts of Christmas (2007)
Matthews, Erik
Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Mattila, Kate
"Going Home Again", Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Maude, Captain F. N.
The Great War of 189—: A Forecast (1893)
Maurice, Colonel J. F.
The Great War of 189—: A Forecast (1893)
"Cult of Persuasion (prologue)" (2002)
Mavrides, Paul
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
May, Corey
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Mayer, J. P.
Escape (2009)
End Run (2010-11)
The Death of Oracle (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
Mayer, Sheldon
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Black Orchid (1973-75)
Time Warp (1979-80)
"'Kind Of': The Secret Origin of Red Tornado", Secret Origins (1988)
Mayerik, Val
American Splendor: The Life and Times of Harvey Pekar and More American Splendor: The Life and Times of Harvey Pekar (1976-87)
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
Mayhew, Mike
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Mary Jane (2003)
Mary Jane 2 (2004)
Rise and Fall (2010)
Into the Woods (2010-11)
Mayo, Ralph
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Mays, Rick
Alias: Ultimate Collection, Book 2 (2003)
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 2 (2006-07)
Mazin, Craig
"Long, Long Time" (2023)
Mazzucchelli, David
Batman: Year One (1987)
Batman: Year One: Deluxe Edition (1987)
City of Glass (1994)
McAllister, Cameron
Primeval Series Two (2008)
McAloon, Grant
"Durka Returns" (1999)
"Vitas Mortis" (2000)
McCaffrey, Anne
Essay: "Return to Pern: Introduction"
"Dragonrider", The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Three: Nebula Winners, 1965-1969 (1965-69)
Dragonsong (1976)
Dragonsinger (1977)
The Dragonriders of Pern (1967-78)
Dragondrums (1979)
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern (1983)
Nerilka's Story: A Pern Adventure (1986)
Dragonsdawn (1988)
All the Weyrs of Pern (1991)
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (1991-93)
Dragonseye (1997)
The Masterharper of Pern (1998)
McCarthy, Brendan
Safe As Houses (2010)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
McCarthy, Ray
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
McCarthy, Shane
All Hail Megatron, Volume 1 (2008-09)
Utopia (2009)
All Hail Megatron, Volume 2 (2009)
All Hail Megatron, Volume 3 (2008-09)
All Hail Megatron, Volume 4: Coda (2009)
Empire of Stone (2014-15)
McCarthy, Trevor
Zero Year (2013-14)
McCorkindale, Bruce
The Children's Crusade (1993-94)
Black Orchid (1993-94)
McCormack, Una
A Game of Chess (2002)
"Face Value", Prophecy and Change (2003)
Hollow Men (2005)
"The Slave War", The Quality of Leadership (2008)
The King's Dragon (2010)
"The Exercise of Vital Powers", 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
"In Tauris", Dark Currents (2012)
Brinkmanship (2012)
The Crimson Shadow (2013)
"An Eye for Murder", Breaking Bubbles and other stories (2014)
Royal Blood (2015)
The Missing (2015)
"This Sporting Life" (2016)
Red Planets (2018)
The Way to the Stars (2019)
The Undefeated (2019)
"The Little People", Once Upon a Parsec: The Book of Alien Fairy Tales (2019)
"Peace in Our Time" (2019)
The Last Best Hope (2020)
All Flesh is Grass (2020)
Wonderlands (2021)
Second Self (2022)
Asylum (2024)
Essay: "My Time Lord Victorious Order"
McCraw, Tom
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
McCrea, John
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Five (1998-2003)
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
McDaid, Dan
The Widow's Curse (2007-08)
The Crimson Hand (2008-10)
The Child of Time (2010-11)
It Came From Outer Space (2011)
The Chains of Olympus (2012)
The Highgate Horror (2015-16)
McDaniel, Scott
Nightwing: Year One (2005)
Crawling through the Wreckage (2006)
The Venom Connection (2006)
Road to Jericho (2006-07)
Arena (2008)
Cry for Justice (2006-10)
The Great Ten (2010)
The New 52 (2011)
The Cruelest Cut (2013-14)
Soul Crisis (2013-14)
Zero Year (2013-14)
McDevitt, Mike
"The Last Tree on Ferenginar: A Ferengi Fable from the Future", Strange New Worlds 9 (2006)
McDonald, Deborah
A Very Dangerous Woman: The Lives, Loves and Lies of Russia's Most Seductive Spy (2015)
McDonnell, Luke
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
Last Days of the Justice Society of America (1986-88)
"Dark Forces", Hawkworld (1992)
Inferno (1992)
Mosaic (1993)
McDougall, Sophia
"Bells Ringing Under the Sea", Dark Currents (2012)
McElroy, Alan
Discovery Season 2 (2019)
McFarlane, Todd
"The Secret Origin of Dr. Fate", All-Star Squadron (1985)
"Last Crisis on Earth-Two!", The Last JLA–Justice Society Team-Up! (1985)
Infinity, Inc. (1985-88)
Invasion! (1988)
Fear the Reaper (1987-91)
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis
Merry Go Round in Oz (1963)
The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1980)
The Rundelstone of Oz (2000)
McGraw, Lauren
Merry Go Round in Oz (1963)
The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1980)
McGregor, Don
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
Panther's Prey (1989-94)
McGuinness, Ed
Return to Krypton (2001)
Prelude to War! (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
Public Enemies (2003-04)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
McGuire, Seanan
"Mathematical Excellence: A Documentary", Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It (2010)
Every Heart a Doorway (2016)
Down Among the Sticks and Bones (2017)
Beneath the Sugar Sky (2018)
Middlegame (2019) [Hugo ballot]
In an Absent Dream (2019)
Dog Days Are Over (2019-20)
Come Tumbling Down (2020)
Across the Green Grass Fields (2021)
"Tangles" (2021)
McGurl, Mark
The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing (2009)
McHugh, Maura
"Just Do It", Voices from the Past (2011)
McIntee, David
"Mustn't Grumble", A Life of Surprises (2002)
Indistinguishable from Magic (2011)
McIntosh, Will
"Bridesicle" (2009)
McIntyre, Iain
Editor, Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985 (2021)
McKean, Dave
Black Orchid (1989)
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days (1989-99)
The Absolute Death (1989-2003)
"Fifteen Portraits of Despair", Endless Nights (2003)
McKeever, Sean
Circle of Friends (2004)
Homecoming (2005)
Super Crush (2005-06)
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 2 (2006-07)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
Metropolis or Dust (2008)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
McKeever, Ted
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
"Elseworlds Rejects", L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
McKelvie, Jamie
The Faust Act (2014)
Fandemonium (2014-15)
Commercial Suicide (2015)
Rising Action (2016)
Imperial Phase Part 1 (2016-17)
Imperial Phase Part 2 (2017)
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Mothering Invention (2018)
"Okay" (2018-19) [reread]
McKenna, Juliet E.
"Who the Dickens...?" (2019)
McKenna, Mark
L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 (1989)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 (1990)
"Old Friends", The Adventures of Alan Scott--Green Lantern (1992-93)
"Blood Relative", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
"Elseworlds Rejects", L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
The 18th Letter: A Love Story (2000)
Black and White (2003)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Dominator War (2007)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
The Death of the New Gods (2007-08)
Lord Havok and the Extremists (2007-08)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
Enemy Manifest (2008-09)
Rise and Fall (2010)
Purge (2005-13)
McKenna, Richard
"The Secret Place", The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Three: Nebula Winners, 1965-1969 (1965-69)
McKenzie, Alan
Skywatch-7 (1981)
Voyager (1984-85)
The World Shapers (1986-87)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
McKinley, Robin
The Hero and the Crown (1984)
A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories (1982-94)
McKone, Mike
"2001!", L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 (1991)
"Chasing Shadows", L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 (1992)
"Blood Relative", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
"The Man from L.E.G.I.O.N. '007: The Spy Who Fragged Me", L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
Stargirl by Geoff Johns (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
McLaughlin, Iain
Erimem: The Last Pharaoh (2015)
McLaughlin, Frank
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4 (1975-77)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 5 (1978-80)
"The Sandman Cometh...", Infinity, Inc. (1988)
The Demise of Justice (1951-91)
"The Gathering of Heroes", Inferno (1992)
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
McLean, Steven
The Early Fiction of H. G. Wells: Fantasies of Science (2009)
McLeary, Donald
"Kings of Infinite Space", The Diary of River Song: Series Four (2018)
McLeod, Bob
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One (1977-78)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume Two (1978-80)
A Death in the Family (1988-89)
Black Canary/Oracle/Huntress: Birds of Prey (1996-97)
"Crisis", Justice Society of America (2011)
"Sins of the Father", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011 (2011)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
McLusky, John
The James Bond Omnibus, Volume 001 (1958-62)
The James Bond Omnibus, Volume 002 (1964-68)
McMahon, Mike
Dragon's Claw (1980-82)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
McManus, Sean
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Two (1990-98)
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Thessaly: Witch for Hire (2005)
McMullin, Lisa
"The Lost Boys", Survivors: Series Eight (2018)
"The Famished Lands", The Eighth Doctor: Time War, Volume Three (2019)
"The Lumiat", Missy: Series Two (2020)
McNamee, Perry
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1 (1993-2000)
McNeill, Carla Speed
Old Is the New New (2016-18)
Team Avatar Tales (2013-19)
McNiven, Steven
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
McQuaid, Sean
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters (2006)
McQueeney, Tom
"Blood Relative", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
McTighe, Pete
"Kerblam!", Doctor Who Series Eleven (2018)
"Press Play", Adventures in Lockdown (2020)
McWeeney, Tom
Damage (1994)
"Dragon Days" and "Combustion Man on a Train", Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Mead, Johanna
"Costuming: More Productive Than Drugs, But Just as Expensive", Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It (2010)
Mead, Richelle
Something Borrowed (2013)
Meade, L. T.
The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings (1898)
The Sorceress of the Strand and Other Stories (1895-1903)
Meadows, Jack
The Victorian Scientist: The Growth of a Profession (2004)
Medina, Lan
Storm (2006)
Medley, Linda
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Meglia, Carlos
"The Dailies 2002" (2002)
Mirror, Mirror (2002)
Meehan, Angelina
The Hobbit: A Long-Expected Autopsy (2018)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Studios (2018)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Warners (2018)
Meikes, Dave
Strength in Numbers (1998)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
JSA (2006)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Doomwar (2010)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Melfi, Theodore
Hidden Figures (2016)
Mellish, Nick
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Melo, Adriana
Perfect Pitch (2005-06)
End Run (2010-11)
The Death of Oracle (2011)
Doctormania (2016)
Official Secrets (2016-17)
Sin Eaters (2017)
The Lost Dimension, Book One (2017)
Meltzer, Brad
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
The Archer's Quest (2002-03)
Identity Crisis (2004)
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
Mendlesohn, Farah
Rhetorics of Fantasy (2008)
The Pleasant Professionalism of Robert A. Heinlein (2019) [Hugo ballot]
Mendoza, Jaime
Batman/Wildcat (1970-98)
Return to Krypton (2001)
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Doomwar (2010)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
The Multiversity (2015)
Menna, Edu
The Wolves of Winter (2017)
Mennell, Ian
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Two (1986)
Menosky, Joe
"Scorpion" (1997)
"Scorpion, Part II" (1997)
"The Gift" (1997)
"Dark Frontier" (1999)
"Lethe", Discovery Season 1, Chapter 1 (2017) [re-review]
Menys, Marcio
Supremacy of the Cybermen (2016)
Meredith, Bill
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Meredith, George
The Egoist (1879)
Merino, Jesus
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
Absolute Power (2005)
Absolute Final Crisis (2008-09)
Justice Society of America (2009-10)
Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant (2010)
The New 52 (2011)
Fight Fire with Fire (2012-13)
Mesina, Rudy
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
Meskin, Mort
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Messina, David
Spock: Reflections (2009)
Nero (2009)
Infestation v.1 (2011)
Infestation v.2 (2011)
Prisoners of Time, Volume 3 (2013)
Unicron (2018)
Messner-Loebs, William
Hawkman (1995-96)
Metzen, Chris
Autocracy (2012)
Monstrosity (2013)
Primacy (2014)
Meyers, Morton A.
Prize Fight: The Race and the Rivalry to be the First in Science (2012)
Michalowski, Mark
The Tree of Life (2005)
"Let There Be Stars", Collected Works (2006)
"The Illuminated Man", Secret Histories (2009)
Michelinie, David
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Starfire (1976-77)
Star Hunters (1977-78)
Middleton, Joshua
Crisis, Book 2 (2015)
Miehm, Grant
Secret Origins of the Golden Age (1988)
"...Like Son!", The Young All-Stars (1988)
The Demise of Justice (1951-91)
Miekis, Dave
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Miéville, China
Introduction, The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (2005) [teaching notes]
Co-Editor, Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (2009)
Kraken: An Anatomy (2010)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
This Census-Taker (2016)
The Last Days of New Paris (2016)
Mignola, Mike
Cosmic Odyssey: The Deluxe Edition (1988)
Ironwolf: Fires of the Revolution (1992)
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days (1989-99)
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Miki, Danny
Batman/Wildcat (1970-98)
Big Trouble in Little Mogadishu (2003-04)
For Tomorrow, Volume Two (2004-05)
Wild Kingdom (2005)
Fear (2005-06)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Milán, Victor
"...And All the Sinners Saints", Fort Freak (2011)
Miles, Lawrence
Dead Romance (1999-2001)
About Time 4: The Unauthorized Guide to Doctor Who, 1975-1979 / Seasons 12 to 17 (2004)
The Adolescence of Time (2008)
Co-Editor, A Romance in Twelve Parts (2011)
Milgrom, Al
"Operation: Over Kill!", Blackhawk (1976-77)
Strange Apparitions (1977-78)
The Mighty Thor, Vol. 4 (1986)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Four (2002-03)
Mystery in Space with Captain Comet, Volume One (2006-07)
Mill, John Stuart
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation (1843)
Utilitarianism (1863)
Millar, Mark
Red Son (2003)
Miller, Florence Fenwick
Lynton Abbott's Children (1879)
Miller, Frank
Batman: Year One (1987)
Batman: Year One: Deluxe Edition (1987)
Miller, J. Hillis
Reading for Our Time: Adam Bede and Middlemarch Revisited (2012)
Miller, Jack
Blackhawk (1960-62)
"The Phantom Spy", Blackhawk (1968)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
Miller, John de Burgh
Twilight of the Gods (1999)
Miller, John Jackson
War (2012)
Absent Enemies (2014)
Takedown (2015)
Hell's Heart (2016)
The Jackal's Trick (2016)
The Hall of Heroes (2016)
The Enterprise War (2019)
Rogue Elements (2021)
The High Country (2023)
Miller, John Jos.
"Faith", Fort Freak (2011)
Miller, Karen
Wild Space (2008)
Miller, Mike S.
"Child's Play" (2001)
Miller, Sam J.
The Art of Starving (2017)
Miller, Tim
Deadpool (2016)
Millet, Jason
Supremacy of the Cybermen (2016)
Milligan, Peter
Wild Kingdom (2005)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Conception (2010-11)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
Olympus (1987-2015)
Mills, Pat
The Iron Legion (1979-80)
The Scapegoat (2009)
Mills, Samantha
"Rabbit Test" (2022)
Milne, Alex
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 1 (2011-12)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 2 (2012)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 3 (2012)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 4 (2012-13)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 5 (2013)
Dark Cybertron, Volume 2 (2014)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 6 (2014)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 7 (2014-15)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 8 (2015)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 9 (2015-16)
Revolution: Transformers (2015-16)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 10 (2016)
The Plotters' Club (2017)
"Sardines" (2017)
Unicron (2018)
Minor, Jason
"The Memoirs of an Epiphyte", Black Orchid (1993)
The Children's Crusade (1993-94)
Miranda, Inaki
The Death of Oracle (2011)
Desolation (2011)
Mireault, Bernie
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: The Deluxe Edition, With other tales of the Dark Knight (1989-2009)
Mishkin, Dan
Time Warp (1979-80)
Mitchell, Barrie
The Age of Chaos (1994)
Land of the Blind (1993-95)
Mitchell, James
"Kill the King", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 4 (2015)
"Death on the Slipway", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 6 (2016)
Callan, Volume One (2018)
Mitchell, Peter
Callan, Volume One (2018)
Mitchell, Sandra D.
Unsimple Truths: Science, Complexity, and Policy (2009)
Mitchell, Sheldon
Utopia (2009)
Mitchell, Steve
Time Warp (1979-80)
The Huntress: Origins (1977-82)
Sun Devils (1984-85)
"Captain Marvel", Secret Origins (1986)
The Adventures of Alan Scott--Green Lantern (1992-93)
Half a Life (1999-2003)
Miyazawa, Takeshi
Circle of Friends (2004)
Homecoming (2005)
Super Crush (2005-06)
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 2 (2006-07)
Ms. Marvel Omnibus, Vol. 1 (2014-15)
Super Famous (2016)
Dog Days Are Over (2019-20)
Moder, Lee
"Welcome to the Palace of Pleasure", L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 (1992)
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Five (1998-2003)
Stargirl by Geoff Johns (1999-2003)
Moench, Doug
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Four of a Kind (1995)
Catwoman: Year 2 (1996)
Chase (1998-2002)
Prey (1992-2003)
Moffat, Steven
"What I Did On My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow", Doctor Who Annual 2006 (2005)
The Cruel Sea (2005-06)
"Corner of the Eye", Doctor Who Storybook 2007 (2006)
"The Zygon Inversion" (2015)
"The Return of Doctor Mysterio" (2016)
"Twice Upon a Time" (2017)
"The Least Important Man", Treasury (2018)
"The Terror of the Umpty Ums", Adventures in Lockdown (2020)
Essay: "Who Has Written for the Most Doctors Who?"
Moffett, Judith
"Not Without Honor", The 1990 Annual World's Best SF (1989)
Mogelson, Luke
These Heroic, Happy Dead: Stories (2010-16)
Mohamed, Deena
Shubeik Lubeik (2017-21)
Mohanraj, Mary Anne
"Sanctuary", Fort Freak (2011)
Moldoff, Sheldon
Showcase Presents Blackhawk, Volume One (1957-58)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1 (1958-62)
Blackhawk (1960-63)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3 (1964-65)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 4 (1965)
Blackhawk (1966)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 7 (1967-68)
Blackhawk (1968)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Molenaar, Romano
Your Kiss Might Kill (2012)
A Clash of Daggers (2012-13)
The Cruelest Cut (2013-14)
Soul Crisis (2013-14)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Moles, David
"Finisterra" (2007)
"Finisterra", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
Molesworth, Richard
Wiped!: Doctor Who's Missing Episodes (2010)
Moline, Karl
Strange Companions (2009)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Moll, Shawn
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Mollmann, Steve
"Meet with Triumph and Disaster" and "Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt You", The Sky's the Limit (2007)
Monáe, Janelle
Dirty Computer (2018)
Monaghan, Emily
"Greater Than the Sum of its Parts", Time, Unincorporated: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives, Vol. 2: Writings on the Classic Series (1978-2010)
Mond, Ian
"Family Man", Something Changed (2006)
"The Cost for a Collection", Collected Works (2006)
Mondal, Mimi
Co-Editor, Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler (2017)
Monjo, Justin
"The Flax" (1999)
"A Human Reaction" (1999)
"The Hidden Memory" (2000)
Montagne, Renée
"This Is NPR" (2010)
Montano, Steve
"Last Crisis on Earth-Two!", The Last JLA–Justice Society Team-Up! (1985)
Infinity, Inc. (1985-86)
Last Days of the Justice Society of America (1986-88)
Monteys, Albert
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Montgomery, Ian
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Mooney, Jim
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1 (1958-62)
DC Super-Stars of Space (1951-64)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3 (1964-65)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 4 (1965)
"Danger--Blackhawk Bait", Blackhawk (1965)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 7 (1967-68)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
Mooney, Stephen
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Moorcock, Michael
"Behold the Man", The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Three: Nebula Winners, 1965-1969 (1965-69)
"Curaré", Zenith Lives!: Tales of M.Zenith, the Albino (2012)
Moore, Alan
Watchmen (1986-87) [reread]
The Red King Syndrome (1983-86)
V for Vendetta (1982-88)
A Dream of Flying (1982-89)
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
The Killing Joke: The Deluxe Edition (1988-96)
Top 10: Collected Edition, Book 1 (1999-2000)
Top 10: Collected Edition, Book 2 (2000-01)
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
Smax (2003-04)
Cybermen: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection (1979-2005)
The Forty-Niners (2005)
Olympus (1987-2015)
Moore, B. Clay
Forward through the Past (2008)
"Sins of the Father", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011 (2011)
Moore, C. L.
"Mimsy Were the Borogoves", The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1841-1994)
Moore, Jerome
Convergence (1994-95)
Fight Game (2007)
Moore, John Francis
Ironwolf: Fires of the Revolution (1992)
Poison Ivy (1997)
Moore, Roland
"Journey's End", Survivors: Series Seven (2017)
"The Splintered Man", The New Counter Measures: Series Two (2017)
"Village of Dust", Survivors: Series Eight (2018)
"Fugitive in Time", The Eighth Doctor: Time War, Volume Three (2019)
"The Robots of Life", The Robots, Volume One (2019)
Transference (2019)
Moore, Ronald D.
"Descent" (1993)
"For the Cause" (1996)
"In the Cards" and "Rocks and Shoals" (1997)
Moore, Steve
The Iron Legion (1979-80)
The Return of the Daleks (1979-80)
Dragon's Claw (1980-82)
"Octopussy" (1983)
Daleks: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection, Volume 1 (1979-89)
Nemesis of the Daleks (1980-90)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
The Glorious Dead (1979-2001)
Cybermen: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection (1979-2005)
Moore, Stuart
Death of a Dream (2005-06)
The Fall & Rise of Vandal Savage (2006)
Adult Education (2005-07)
Alien Spotlight, Volume 2 (2009)
Captain's Log (2010)
Crisis, Book 1 (2015)
Moore, Tegan
"The Work of Wolves", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 5 (2019)
Moore, Terry
Sophomore Jinx (2008-09)
The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner (1998-2012)
Moore, Travis
Justice Society of America (2010)
The Inheritance (2010)
Soul Crisis (2013-14)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Moore, Tony
The Walking Dead: Compendium One (2003-08)
Mora, Dan
The King Is Undead (2019-20)
Once & Future: Deluxe Edition, Book One (2019-21)
The Parliament of Magpies (2020-21)
Monarchies in the U.K. (2021-22) [reread]
The Wasteland (2022)
Morales, Mark
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
"Alienation" (2002)
Ending Battle (2002)
Young Avengers (2004-05)
Fear (2005-06)
"Fly Me to the Moon", Black Panther (2006)
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009)
Morales, Rags
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Three (1999-2003)
Black Reign (2003-04)
Identity Crisis (2004)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Sacrifice (2005)
Origins (2005-06)
JSA (2006)
Skin Trade (2007)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Superman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Morales, Robert
Truth (2003)
Moran, James
Primeval Series Three (2009)
Morantz-Sanchez, Reginal Markell
Sympathy and Science: Women Phyisicians in American Medicine (1985)
Moreels, Eric
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters (2006)
Moreira, Ruben
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Moreno-Garcia, Silvia
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (2022) [Hugo ballot]
Morgan, Cheryl
CoNZealand Fringe (2020)
Morgan, Dylan
"The Trolley Problem" (2017)
"Janet(s)" (2018)
Morgan, Lou
"Flight 405", God Among Us 2 (2019)
Morgan, Richard K.
Altered Carbon (2002)
Morgan, Tom
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 2 (1986-87)
Morigan, Pan
"The Heart of the Song", 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
New Killer Star (2016)
Morley, Christopher
The Haunted Bookshop (1919)
Kitty Foyle (1939)
Morris, Errol
Believing Is Seeing (Observations on the Mysteries of Photography) (2011)
Morris, Jonathan
"The Spartacus Syndrome", A Life of Surprises (2002)
"Opera of Doom", Doctor Who Storybook 2007 (2006)
The Betrothal of Sontar (2006-07)
The Widow's Curse (2007-08)
The Cannibalists (2009)
The Glorious Revelation (2009)
The Mists of Time (2009)
The Crimson Hand (2008-10)
"The Spirit Trap", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series One (2010)
Deimos (2010)
The Resurrection of Mars (2010)
The Child of Time (2010-11)
The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (2011)
The Curse of Davros (2012)
"The Valley of Death", The Lost Stories: The Fourth Doctor Box Set (2012)
Protect and Survive (2012)
The Guardians of Prophecy (2012)
Voyage to Venus (2012)
The Shadow Heart (2012)
The Memory Box (2013)
"The Age of Revolution", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Five (2013)
Prisoners of Fate (2013)
The Auntie Matter (2013)
Phantoms of the Deep (2013)
Babblesphere (2013)
"The Skeleton Quay", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Six (2013)
Mastermind (2013)
The Space Race (2013)
Ghost in the Machine (2013)
"Deathworld", Vienna: Series One (2014)
"The Monstrous Menagerie", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Seven (2014)
"Exodus", Survivors: Series One (2014)
Last of the Colophon (2014)
"Psychodrome", Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Box Set (2014)
Revenge of the Swarm (2014)
"The Screaming Skull", The Worlds of Doctor Who (2014)
Damaged Goods (2015)
The Cloisters of Terror (2015)
"The Flying Frenchmen", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Nine (2015)
The Entropy Plague (2015)
"Cabin Fever", Survivors: Series Three (2015)
"The Year of the Bat", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Ten (2015)
We Are the Daleks (2015)
The Highgate Horror (2015-16)
The Waters of Amsterdam (2016)
The Paradox Planet (2016)
Legacy of Death (2016)
Subterranea (2017)
Vortex Ice (2017)
"The Lords of Terror", The Eighth Doctor: The Time War 2 (2018)
Instant Karma (2018)
The Crash of the UK-201 (2018)
"The Bekdel Test", The Diary of River Song: Series Five (2019)
"The Belly of the Beast", Missy: Series One (2019)
"The Avenues of Possibility", The Legacy of Time (2019)
The Kamelion Empire (2019)
Essay: "My Time Lord Victorious Order"
Morris, Mark
Freakshow (2010)
The Fixation (2013)
Moonflesh (2014)
Morris, Mike
"10 Official Writer's Guidelines for the Pertwee Era" and "Untrue Grit", Time, Unincorporated: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives, Vol. 2: Writings on the Classic Series (1978-2010)
Morris, Paul
"The Christmas Presence", The Ghosts of Christmas (2007)
The Secret Weapon of Doom (2010)
The Magic Circle (2011)
The Horror of Loch Ness (2012)
The Thirteen Hallows (2012)
"Bad Habits", Road Trip (2012)
Council of War (2013)
"Murder at Moorsey Manor", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Seven (2014)
"Jago & Litefoot & Patsy", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Eight (2014)
The King of Winter (2014)
"The End of the Line", The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure (2015)
"Island of Death", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Nine (2015)
"The Case of the Missing Gasogene", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Ten (2015)
"Judoon in Chains", Classic Doctors New Monsters, Volume One (2016)
"Return to Castle De'ath" and "The Miser", The Avengers: Steed and Mrs Peel: The Comic Strip Adaptations, Volume One (2016)
"The Woman in White", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Eleven (2016)
Aquitaine (2016)
"The Antagoniser", The Avengers: Steed and Mrs Peel: The Comic Strip Adaptations, Volume Two (2016)
"The Flickermen" and "School of Blood", Jago & Litefoot: Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Twelve (2016)
"The Stuff of Nightmares", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Thirteen (2017)
Jago & Litefoot Forever (2018)
"The Enchantress of Numbers", The Syndicate Master Plan, Volume 1 (2019)
Morris, William
News from Nowhere, or An Epoch of Rest, Being Some Chapters from a Utopian Romance (1891)
Morrison, Grant
The World Shapers (1986-87)
A Cold Day in Hell! (1987-89)
Strength in Numbers (1998)
We3: The Deluxe Edition (2004-05)
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume One (2004-05)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two (2005-06)
All-Star Superman, volume 1 (2006-07)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
World War III (2007)
All-Star Superman, volume 2 (2007-08)
Absolute Final Crisis (2008-09)
Final Crisis Companion (2008-09)
The New 52 (2011)
Olympus (1987-2015)
The Multiversity (2015)
Morrison, Robbie
Terrorformer (2014-15)
The Weeping Angels of Mons (2014-15)
Fractures (2015)
Hyperion (2015)
The School of Death (2016)
Sonic Boom (2016-17)
Morrison, Toni
The Bluest Eye (1970)
Morrow, Gray
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Morrow, James
"Abe Lincoln in McDonald's", The 1990 Annual World's Best SF (1989)
Mortimer, Win
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Essay: "What Is... The Gothic?"
Mortimore, Jim
The Sword of Forever (1998)
Campaign: An Adventure In Time And Space (2000)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Morton, Oliver
"The Albian Message", Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2003-11)
Mougin, Lou
Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium (1986-2005)
Mousley, Paul
Primeval Series Three (2009)
Primeval Series Four and Five (2011)
Moy, Jeffrey
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes (2011-12)
Moy, Philip
First Contact (1996)
Shellshocked (2006)
Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes (2011-12)
Mozzo, Valentina
Adventures in Lockdown (2020)
Muir, Tamsyn
Gideon the Ninth (2019) [Hugo ballot]
Harrow the Ninth (2020) [Hugo ballot]
Mulready, Patrick
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Mulryne, Phil
"A Thing of Guile", Infernal Devices (2016)
"Crescent Moon", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 5 (2016)
"Fallen Angels", Classic Doctors New Monsters, Volume One (2016)
The Contingency Club (2017)
The Haunting of Malkin Place (2017)
"Planet of the Drashigs", The Syndicate Master Plan, Volume 1 (2019)
Mulvey, Laura
Visual and Other Pleasures (1970-2009)
Munroe, Randall
To Be or Not To Be: a chooseable-path adventure (2013)
Murphy, Kevin Andrew
"The Straight Man", Fort Freak (2011)
Murphy, Pat
"Rachel in Love", The 1988 Annual World's Best SF (1987)
Murphy, Philip
Star Trek vs. Transformers (2018-19)
Murphy, Sean
Two-Face and Scarecrow: Year One (2005-07)
Room & Boredom (2008)
Murphy, Will
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
Murray, Brian
The Young All-Stars (1987-88)
Murray, D. Christie
The Great War of 189—: A Forecast (1893)
Musso, Robby
The Transformers Spotlight (2006-07)
Devastation (2007-08)
All Hail Megatron, Volume 3 (2008-09)
Muth, Jon J
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Four (1993-96)
Evensong (2002-06)
Mutti, Andrea
War (2012)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Myers, Simon
Supremacy of the Cybermen (2016)
Myles, Lizbeth M.
"The Better Part of Valour", Present Danger (2010)
"Breaking Bubbles", Breaking Bubbles and other stories (2014)
"The Astrea Conspiracy" (2019)
Nabokov, Vladimir
Essay: "Science Fiction and the Hermit Crab"
Nacuk, Todd
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Nadeau, John
Chewbacca (2000)
Nadkarni, Asha
Eugenic Feminism: Reproductive Nationalism in the United States and India (2014)
Nagata, Linda
"The Martian Obelisk" (2017)
Nagel, Thomas
The View from Nowhere (1986)
Naifeh, Ted
The Wolf Beneath the Tree (2004)
Naimon, David
Conversations on Writing (2018)
Napolitano, Nick
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Nardino, Jordon
"Vaulting Ambition", Discovery Season 1, Chapter 2 (2018)
"An Obol for Charon", Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Nasser, Mike
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 12 (1975-77)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 13 (1977)
"The Sowers of Holocaust", Star Hunters (1977-78)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One (1977-78)
Wonder Woman: Earth-Two (1977-78)
Time Warp (1979-80)
"This Immortal Destiny: The Secret Origin of Doctor Fate", The Immortal Doctor Fate (1940-82)
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
The Poison Tomorrow (1992)
Inferno (1992)
Nation, Terry
The Daleks (1965-67)
"The Destroyers", The Lost Stories: The Second Doctor Box Set (2010)
Survivors (2014)
Nauck, Todd
Casualties of War! (2001)
Nayler, Ray
"Muallim" (2021)
Neal, Scott J.
"In the Cards" (1997)
Neary, Paul
The Return of the Daleks (1979-80)
"Octopussy" (1983)
The Tides of Time (1980-84)
Daleks: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection, Volume 1 (1979-89)
A Dream of Flying (1982-89)
Fear the Reaper (1987-91)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
The Absolute Authority (1999-2000)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
Death of a Dream (2005-06)
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
The Deadliest of the Species (2009)
Power (2009-10)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Nebres, Rudy
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
Nedivi, Ben
"The Grey" (2021)
"Stranger in a Strange Land" (2022)
Neill, John R.
Marvelous Land of Oz: Being an account of the further adventures of the
Scarecrow and Tin Woodman and also the strange experiences of the
Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug, Jack Pumpkinhead, the Animated Saw-Horse,
and the Gump; the story being A Sequel to The Wizard of Oz (1904)
Dough and the Cherub: A Whimsical Wonder-Story in which is Described
the Marvelous Creation of John Dough, the Gingerbread Man; his meeting
with the Incubator Baby called Chick the Cherub: their Adventures in the
Isle of Phreex, the Land of Mifkets, Pirate Island and Hiland and
Loland (1906)
of Oz: A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the
Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion
and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention
Faithfully Recorded Herein (1907)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908)
The Road to Oz (1909)
The Emerald City of Oz (1910)
The Sea Fairies (1911) [read aloud]
Sky Island: Being the Further Exciting Adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill after Their Visit to the Sea Fairies (1912) [read aloud]
The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913) [read aloud]
Little Wizard Stories of Oz (1913) [read aloud]
Tik-Tok of Oz (1914)
The Scarecrow of Oz (1915)
Rinkitink in Oz (1916)
The Lost Princess of Oz (1917)
Tin Woodman of Oz: A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure
Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the
Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter (1918)
The Magic of Oz: A Faithful Record of the Remarkable Adventures
of Dorothy and Trot and the Wizard of Oz, together with the Cowardly
Lion, the Hungry Tiger and Cap'n Bill, in their successful search for a
Magical and Beautiful Birthday Present for Princess Ozma of Oz (1919)
of Oz: In which are related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma
of Oz, and Dorothy, in their hazardous journey to the home of the
Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and how they were
rescued from dire peril by the sorcery of Glinda the Good (1920)
The Royal Book of Oz: In which the Scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island, and how he was rescued and brought back to Oz by Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion (1921) [read aloud]
Kabumpo in Oz (1922)
The Cowardly Lion of Oz (1923)
Grampa in Oz (1924)
The Lost King of Oz (1925)
The Hungry Tiger of Oz (1926)
The Gnome King of Oz (1927)
The Giant Horse of Oz (1928)
Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz (1929)
The Yellow Knight of Oz (1930)
Pirates in Oz (1931)
The Purple Prince of Oz (1932)
Ojo in Oz (1933)
Speedy in Oz (1934)
The Wishing Horse of Oz (1935)
Captain Salt in Oz (1936)
Handy Mandy in Oz (1937)
The Silver Princess in Oz (1938)
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wonder City of Oz (1940)
The Scalawagons of Oz (1941)
Lucky Bucky in Oz (1942)
The Runaway in Oz (1995)
Nelson, Arvid
Mr. Horrific (2007)
Nelson, Michael Alan
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Ness, Patrick
A Monster Calls (2011)
Tip of the Tongue (2013)
Nette, Andrew
Editor, Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985 (2021)
Netto, Andrei
Bringing Down Gaddafi: On the Ground with the Libyan Rebels (2012)
Netzer, Michael
see Nasser, Mike
Neufeld, Josh
Our Movie Year (2000-04)
Neufstifter, Blue
"Unknown Number" (2021)
Nevala-Lee, Alec
Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction (2018)
Neves, Diogenes
Five Stages (2010)
Rise and Fall (2010)
Into the Woods (2010-11)
Salvation (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Nevill, Adam
"The Age of Entitlement", Dark Currents (2012)
Newberry, Barry
Interviewee, Talkback: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Doctor Who Interview Book, Volume One: The Sixties (1978-2006)
Newcomb, Simon
His Wisdom the Defender (1900)
Newell, Mindy
Her Sister's Keeper (1989)
Newton, Don
Star Hunters (1977-78)
Time Warp (1979-80)
All-Star Squadron (1984)
Infinity, Inc. (1985)
Ng, Jeanette
2019 John W. Campbell Award Acceptance Speech (2019)
Nguyen, Eric
Sleep of Reason (2007)
Nguyen, Tom
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Return to Krypton (2001)
All-Out War! (2001)
Casualties of War! (2001)
52: The Companion (1962-2006)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Absolute Final Crisis (2008-09)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Nicholas, Art
"In the Name of L.O.V.E.", L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 (1992)
Nicholas, Charles
Time Warp (1979-80)
Nicholson, Jeff
Through the Gates of Horn and Ivory (1997-98)
Nicholson, Jenny
"The Last Bronycon: a fandom autopsy" (2020)
Nicieza, Fabian
"Problem Solved", JSA Classified (2007)
The Cat and the Bat (2008)
The New 52 (2011)
Crisis, Book 2 (2015)
Zero Hour, Book 1 (2015)
Nielsen Hayden, Patrick
Co-Editor, Twenty-First Century Science Fiction (2013)
Niles, Steve
"Return to Sender", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2011 (2011)
Niño, Alex
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Nisbet, Rob
"A Heart on Both Sides" (2017)
Nishi, Keiko
"Promise" and "Since You've Been Gone", Four Shōjo Stories (1975-90)
Nitz, Jai
The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner (1998-2012)
Nix, Garth
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London (2020)
The Sinister Booksellers of Bath (2023)
Nix, Nick
"War Crimes, Part Two", Black Panther (2007)
Nobleman, Marc Tyler
Bill the Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman (2012)
Nocenti, Ann
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Nodell, Martin
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Nodell, Matt
All-Star Squadron (1984)
Nolan, Christopher
Tenet (2020)
Nolan, Graham
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 2 (1986-87)
Hawkworld (1990-92)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
The Cruelest Cut (2013-14)
Nome, Oliver
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
The World of Flashpoint featuring the Flash (2011)
Norrie, Christina
Road to the Altar (2007)
North, Ryan
To Be or Not To Be: a chooseable-path adventure (2013)
Poor Yorick (2013)
Romeo and/or Juliet: a chooseable-path adventure (2016)
William Shakespeare Punches a Friggin' Shark and/or Other Stories (2013-17)
Marvel Rising (2018)
North, Virgil
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Norton, Mike
Road to the Altar (2007)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Future/Past (2007)
The Hunt For Ray Palmer! (2007)
JSA Presents Green Lantern (2002-08)
Family Business (2008)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
A League of Their Own / The Parting Shot (2002-09)
Enemies List (2009)
Big Game (2009-10)
Five Stages (2010)
"...the Not-So-Secret Origin of Obsidian!", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2010 (2010)
"Supertown, Part Three", Justice Society of America (2011)
Mister Miracle (2017-19)
Nourse, Albert E.
"The Gift of Numbers", Tales from Super-Science Fiction (1955-59)
Novick, Irv
Batman/Wildcat (1970-98)
Novik, Naomi
Temeraire: In the Service of the King: His Majesty's Dragon / Throne of Jade / Black Powder War (2006)
Empire of Ivory (2007)
Spinning Silver (2018) [Hugo ballot]
A Deadly Education (2020) [Lodestar ballot]
The Last Graduate (2021) [Lodestar ballot]
The Golden Enclaves (2022) [Lodestar ballot]
Novin, Phyllis
Damage (1995-96)
"Deliverance", R.E.B.E.L.S. '96 (1996)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 4 (2012-13)
Notkin, Debbie
Co-Editor, 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
Noto, Phil
Safe As Houses (2010)
Nowak, Dan
"Gaugamela" (2020)
Nowlan, Kevin
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Four (1993-96)
The Thrawn Trilogy (1995-99)
Legend of the Green Flame (2000)
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?: The Deluxe Edition, With other tales of the Dark Knight (1989-2009)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Nunez, Eddie
The World of Flashpoint featuring Wonder Woman (2011)
Nuonuo, Wang
"Turing Food Court", Galaxy Awards 1: Chinese Science Fiction Anthology (2018-22)
Nyberg, John
L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 (1990)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Oak, Raven
Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays (2015)
Oates, Debbie
Primeval Series Four (2011)
O'Bannon, Rockne S.
"Premiere" (1999)
"A Bug's Life" (1999)
"Bone to Be Wild" (2000)
"Family Ties" (2000)
O'Brien, Fitz-James
The Diamond Lens and Other Stories (1858-59)
O'Brien, Judith
Mary Jane (2003)
Mary Jane 2 (2004)
Ocampo, Abe
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
O'Connell, Peter
The James Bond Omnibus, Volume 001 (1958-62)
O'Connor, George
The Enchanted Island of Yew (1996)
O'Day, Andrew
"Event TV: Fan Consumption of Televised Doctor Who in Britain (1963-Present)" and "Social Spaces: British Fandom to the Present", Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom, 1963-2012 (2013)
Oeming, Michael Avon
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive! (2011-12)
Ogle, Rex
The World of Flashpoint featuring Superman (2011)
O'Guilin, Peadar
The Invasion (2018)
O'Hare, Michael
Platinum Flats (2008-09)
Okorafor, Nnedi
The Shadow Speaker (2007)
Akata Witch (2011)
Binti (2015)
Home (2017) [Hugo ballot]
Akata Warrior (2017) [Lodestar ballot]
The Night Masquerade (2018) [Hugo ballot]
Long Live the King (2018)
LaGuardia: A Very Modern Story of Immigration (2018-19) [Hugo ballot]
Akata Woman (2022) [Lodestar ballot]
Oksner, Bob
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Olazaba, Victor
Two Plus Two (2007)
Ms. Marvel Omnibus, Vol. 1 (2014-15)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (1975-2012)
Older, Malka
The Mimicking of Known Successes (2023)
Oleck, Jack
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Oliver, Ben
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
The Multiversity (2015)
Oliver, Mark B.
"The Advent of Fear" (2009)
"Snowfall" (2010)
"Attack of the Snowmen" (2011)
Oliver, Simon
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
Olivetti, Ariel
Superman Returns: The Prequels (2006)
Olliffe, Pat
Honor Among Thieves (2006)
Adult Education (2005-07)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
World War III (2007)
The Four Horsemen (2007-08)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Olmos, Diego
Trial by Fire (2005)
Origins (2005-06)
Unleashed (2006-07)
The Death of Oracle (2011)
Olmstead, Liza
Co-Editor, The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters: A Science Fiction Anthology of Stories, Poetry, and Art (2024)
O'Mahony, Daniel
"Kill the Mouse!", A Life of Surprises (2002)
Timeless Passages (2006)
The Tub Full of Cats (2007)
Absence (2009)
O'Malley, Bryan Lee
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (2004)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2005)
Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness (2006)
Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together (2007)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe (2009)
Scott Pilgrim in his Finest Hour (2010)
Ó Méalóid, Pádraig
Poisoned Chalice: The Extremely Long and Incredibly Complex Story of Marvelman (and Miracleman) (2018)
O'Meara, Mallory
The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick (2019)
O'Neil, Dennis
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 2 (1967-70)
The Black Canary Archives, Volume 1 (1947-72)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
IronWolf (1973-74)
Wonder Woman: Earth-Two (1977-78)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
Shaman (1989-90)
Venom (1991)
The Poison Tomorrow (1992)
Knightfall (1994)
Gordon of Gotham (1996-98)
The Ring, the Arrow and the Bat (1998-2000)
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Onyebuchi, Tochi
Riot Baby (2020)
Orci, Roberto
Nero (2009)
Ordway, Jerry
The Huntress: Origins (1977-82)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 6 (1981-82)
All-Star Squadron (1981-84)
The Generations Saga, Volume One (1983-84)
The Generations Saga, Volume Two (1984-85)
"I Accuse!", America vs. the Justice Society (1985)
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985-86)
Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Absolute Edition (1985-86)
"The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Superman", Secret Origins (1986)
"The Degaton Paradox", Infinity, Inc. (1988)
The Death of Superman (1992)
World Without a Superman (1993)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (1994)
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Four (1998-99)
Lost (2004-05)
JSA (2004-06)
Infinite Crisis (2005-06)
Beyond the Farthest Precinct (2005-06)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
The Book of Destiny (2007-08)
"Mother's Little Secret", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant (2010)
Justice Society of America (2008-11)
Weird Worlds (2011)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Infinite Earths, Book 1 (2015) [reread]
Orfalas, Jason
Club Kids (2007-08)
Organization for Transformative Works
Archive of Our Own (2009-2018)
Orlando, Joe
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Showcase Presents... Power Girl (1978)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Orliński, Wojciech
"Stanlemian", Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem (1959-2011)
Orman, Kate
Prelude to The Left-Handed Hummingbird (1993)
Land of the Blind (1993-95)
Vampire Science (1997)
Walking to Babylon (1998)
The Year of Intelligent Tigers (2001)
"The Peter Principle", Life During Wartime (2003)
Blue Box (2003)
"All Mimsy Were the Borogoves", Nobody's Children (2007)
"Ghost Light: Four Views", Time, Unincorporated: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives, Vol. 2: Writings on the Classic Series (1978-2010)
"Don't Do Something, Just Sit There", Present Danger (2010)
"Hue and Cry", True Stories (2017)
"Solar Max and the Seven-Handed Snake-Mother", Treasury (2018)
Ormston, Dean
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Four (1993-96)
Devil in the Gateway (1999-2000)
House of Secrets Omnibus (1996-2001)
Children and Monsters (2000-01)
A Dalliance with the Damned (2001-02)
The Divine Comedy (2002)
Inferno (2002-03)
Mansions of the Silence (2003)
Evensong (2002-06)
Orsi, Carlos
"In Loco", War Stories: New Military Science Fiction (2014)
Ortega, Guillermo
Utopia (2009)
Into the Woods (2010-11)
Ortiz, Juan
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Volume One (1977-78)
Steel, the Indestructible Man (1978)
Osam, Wesley
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Osborne, Terri
"Three Sides to Every Story", Prophecy and Change (2003)
"Good Queen, Bad Queen, I Queen, You Queen", The Quality of Leadership (2008)
O'Shea, Tara
Co-Editor, Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It (2010)
Ossio, Fico
Revolution (2016)
Unicron (2018)
Ostby, Hawk
"Leviathan Wakes" (2016)
Ostrander, John
Legends: The Collection (1986-87)
Inferno (1992)
Hawkworld (1990-93)
Hawkman (1993-94)
"Waking Nightmare", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
"The Dawn of the Golden Age", Golden Age Secret Files & Origins (2001)
World War III (2007)
Storms (2009)
Tatooine (2009)
Monster (2009-10)
Extremes (2010)
War (2010-11)
Purge (2005-13)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Oswalt, Patton
The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner (1998-2012)
Otis, Laura
Networking: Communicating with Bodies and Machines in the Nineteenth Century (2001)
Owens, Andy
Nightwing: Year One (2005)
Crawling through the Wreckage (2006)
The Venom Connection (2006)
Road to Jericho (2006-07)
Future/Past (2007)
Arena (2008)
Cry for Justice (2006-10)
The Great Ten (2010)
Crisis, Book 1 (2015)
Owomoyela, An
"The Equations of the Dead", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 (2021)
Pace, Richard
The Starman Omnibus, Volume Three (1997-98)
Pacheco, Carlos
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
Absolute Power (2005)
Absolute Final Crisis (2008-09)
Pachoumis, Peter
"The 90-Minute Man", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
Padilla, Agustin
Alien Spotlight, Volume 2 (2009)
Salvation (2011)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Wonder Woman (2011)
More than Meets the Eye, Volume 4 (2012-13)
Dark Prelude (2012-13)
Rage of the Dinobots (2012-13)
Padmanabhan, Manjula
Hot Death, Cold Soup: Twelve Short Stories (1984-96)
Escape (2008)
The Island of Lost Girls (2015)
Stolen Hours and Other Curiosities: The Collected Science Fiction Stories (1984-2023)
Essay: "The Short Speculative Fiction Corpus of Manjula Padmanabhan [Update]"
Page, Gemma
"Up in the Air", ATA Girl (2018)
Page, Ra
Co-Editor, Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanisław Lem (2011)
Paice, Eric
"Dead of Winter", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 4 (2015)
Pain, Barry
The Octave of Claudius (1897)
Pak, Greg
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Paknadel, Alex
Growth (2017)
"The Promise" (2017)
Branches (2017-18)
Palo, Jefte
See Wakanda and Die (2008)
Black Panther: The Man without Fear! (2011)
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive! (2011-12)
Pallot, Terry
Convergence (1994-95)
First Contact (1996)
Long Live the King (2018)
Palmer, Ada
Too Like the Lightning (2016) [Hugo ballot]
Seven Surrenders (2017)
The Will to Battle: A Narrative of Events of the year 2454 (2017)
Perhaps the Stars: A Narrative of Events begun in the year 2454 (2021)
Palmer, J. H.
The Invasion of New York; or, How Hawaii Was Annexed (1897)
Palmer, Suzanne
"The Secret Life of Bots" (2017)
"Bots of the Lost Ark" (2021)
"Bots of the Lost Ark", The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 (2021)
Palmer, Tom
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting The Fantastic Four Nos. 52-54, 56, Tales of Suspense Nos. 97-99, Captain America No. 100, The Avengers Nos. 52, 62, 73-74 & Daredevil No. 52 (1966-70)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 1 (1984-86)
Panther's Prey (1989-94)
Batman/Wildcat (1970-98)
Flags of Our Fathers (2010)
Palmieri, Marco
Editor, Prophecy and Change (2003)
Editor, The Sky's the Limit (2007)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Palmiotti, Jimmy
L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 (1992)
Black Panther (1999-2000)
Prey (1992-2003)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
Street Justice (2004-05)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Trial by Fire (2005)
Infinite Crisis (2005-06)
JSA Classified (2005-06)
Superman Returns: The Prequels (2006)
The Battle for Blüdhaven (2006)
Two-Face and Scarecrow: Year One (2005-07)
Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters (2006-07)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Dominator War (2007)
Brave New World (2007-08)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
The Search for Ray Palmer (2007-08)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 12...
Terra (2007-09)
Power Trip (2005-10)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner (1998-2012)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Papp, George
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1 (1958-62)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3 (1964-65)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 4 (1965)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 6 (1966-67)
Showcase Presents The Green Arrow, Volume One (1958-69)
Panda, Art Critic
Editor, Lady Stardust (2012)
Pander Bros., The
House of Secrets Omnibus (1996-2001)
Pannu, Suk
Murder With Masala (2017)
Panosian, Dan
Mosaic (1992-93)
Rogues' Revenge (2002-08)
Pansica, Eduardo
Dance (2009)
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Early Years (2010)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Papadatos, Alecos
Logicomix (2008)
Papadimitriou, Christos H.
Logicomix (2008)
Paquette, Yanick
Strength in Numbers (1998)
Chase (1998-2002)
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two (2005-06)
The New 52 (2011)
Paradise, Michelle
Discovery Season 2 (2019)
Paraskevas, Thodoris
Logicomix (2008)
Paris, Roland
"Black to the Future", Black Panther (2008)
Utopia (2009)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Superman (2011)
Parker, Jeff
"Law of the Jungle" (2006)
Crisis, Book 1 (2015)
Infinite Earths, Book 2 (2015)
Parker, Richard
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Parker-Chan, Shelley
She Who Became the Sun (2021) [Hugo ballot]
Parkhill, Matthew
Primeval Series Four (2011)
Parkhouse, Steve
Dragon's Claw (1980-82)
The Tides of Time (1980-84)
Voyager (1984-85)
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume One (1985-86)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 3 (1987-88)
"Time Bomb!", The Incomplete Death's Head (1989)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume One (1988-90)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
Beyond the Shores of Night (1996-97)
Parkin, Greg
Adult Education (2005-07)
Parkin, Lance
Just War (1996)
Beige Planet Mars (1998)
The Infinity Doctors (1998)
Father Time (2000)
Trading Futures (2001)
"Paydirt", A Life of Surprises (2002)
The Big Hunt (2004)
Ahistory: An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe (2005)
Venus Mantrap (2009)
"A Game of Soldiers", Secret Histories (2009)
"Winging It", Present Danger (2010)
Cold Fusion (2016)
Essay: "Lasting impressions"
Parks, Ande
"Prices", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
"Boom Baby", Damage (1994)
Quiver (2001-02)
Sounds of Violence (2002)
For Better or For Worse (1969-2003)
The Archer's Quest (2002-03)
Straight Shooter (2003)
City Walls (2004)
Moving Targets (2004-05)
Crisis, Book 1 (2015)
Parks, Jenny
Star Trek Cats (2017)
Parlov, Goran
Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book Two (2003-04)
Parobeck, Mike
The Demise of Justice (1951-91)
"L.E.G.I.O.N. 90210", L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Parrinder, Patrick
Consultant Editor, Adventures in Space: An Anthology of Short Stories by Chinese and English-language Science Fiction Writers (2023)
Parsons, Dan
Storms (2009)
Tatooine (2009)
Monster (2009-10)
Extremes (2010)
War (2010-11)
Flashpoint, Book 1 (2015)
Parsons, James
Filthy Lucre (2013)
Parsons, Sean
Sacrifice (2005)
Infinite Crisis (2005-06)
Storm (2006)
"Inside Man", Black Panther (2007)
The Secret History of Monument Point (2011)
Hostile World (2011-12)
Infinite Earths, Book 1 (2015)
Pasarin, Fernando
Justice Society of America (2007-09)
Oracle: The Cure (2009)
The New 52 (2011)
Zero Year (2013-14)
Pascoe, James
L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
R.E.B.E.L.S. '94 (1994)
Teenage Revolution (2004-05)
Pasko, Martin
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 4 (1975-77)
Wonder Woman: Earth-Two (1977-78)
The Immortal Doctor Fate (1940-82)
Star Trek Omnibus, Volume 1 (1980-82)
Passalaqua, Allen
JSA Presents Green Lantern (2002-08)
Pasta, Michele
Revolutions of Terror (2014)
Pasternak, Boris
Doctor Zhivago (1957)
Patel, Vinay
"Demons of the Punjab", Doctor Who Series Eleven (2018) [Hugo ballot]
"Fugitive of the Judoon" (2020)
Patricio, Ernesto
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Time Warp (1979-80)
Patrick, James
Salvation (2011)
Patterson, Ama
"Seamonsters", 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
Patterson, Bruce D.
Steel, the Indestructible Man (1978)
The Huntress: Origins (1977-82)
Before the Darkness, Volume Two (1980-82)
The Great Darkness Saga: The Deluxe Edition (1982-83)
Patton, Billy Dallas
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Volume Two (2005-06)
Patton, Chuck
Crisis in the Thunderbolt Dimension! (1983)
Pavey, Vince
Roots (2017)
Payes, Rachel Cosgrove
The Hidden Valley of Oz (1951)
The Wicked Witch of Oz (1993)
Payne, Bill
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Paz, Michael Jason
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Zero Hour, Book 2 (2015)
Monsters Unleashed! (2017)
Pearson, Jason
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Half a Life (1999-2003)
"The Harvest: Conclusion" (2003)
Pearson, Lars
Ahistory: An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe (2005)
Peart, Paul
Monstrous Beauty (1991-2022)
Peaty, James
"60 Minutes", JSA Classified (2008)
War of Gods (2016-17)
The Terror Beneath (2017)
Roots (2017)
The Road to the Thirteenth Doctor (2018)
Peddy, Arthur
The Demise of Justice (1951-91)
Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years (1941-2012)
Peel, John
Genesys (1991)
Black Sun Rising (1980-92)
Too Many Targets (2018)
Peele, Jordan
Get Out (2017)
Us (2019)
Nope (2022)
Pegg, Nicholas
William Shakespeare's King Lear (2017)
Pegg, Simon
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Pekar, Harvey
American Splendor: The Life and Times of Harvey Pekar and More American Splendor: The Life and Times of Harvey Pekar (1976-87)
American Splendor presents Bob & Harv's Comics (1976-88)
The New American Splendor Anthology (1974-91)
Our Cancer Year (1994)
Unsung Hero: The Story of Robert McNeil (2002)
Our Movie Year (2000-04)
The Quitter (2005)
Ego & Hubris: The Michael Malice Story (2006)
Harvey Pekar's Cleveland (2012)
Pelletier, Paul
"The Highway...", The Darkstars (1993)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Emerald Allies (1996-97)
Pellowski, Michael
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume 2 (1972-74)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Peniston, Justin
"Ignorance Is Bliss", Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2010 (2010)
Pennington, Mark
L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 (1991)
Catwoman: Year 2 (1996)
Strength in Numbers (1998)
The Absolute Death (1989-2003)
Lord Havok and the Extremists (2007-08)
Utopia (2009)
Strange Companions (2009)
Flashpoint, Book 1 (2015)
Penny, Laurie
Imperial Phase Part 1 (2016-17)
Pensa, Shea Anton
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Three (1991-2000)
Peppe, Mike
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Pepoy, Andrew
The Adventures of Alan Scott--Green Lantern (1992-93)
"Blood Relative", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Damage (1994-95)
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2 (1994-2001)
Taller Tales (2000-02)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Four (2002-03)
Between Dark & Dawn (2004)
Origins (2005-06)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Love Stories for Dead People (2008-09)
The Beauty of Decay (2009-10)
Schoolboy Terrors (2013-14)
Supremacy of the Cybermen (2016)
Percy, Frank
"Past Imperfect", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Pérez, George
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 5 (1978-80)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 6 (1981-82)
The Starfire Saga (1982)
All-Star Squadron (1984)
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985-86)
Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Absolute Edition (1985-86)
History of the DC Universe (1986)
A Death in the Family (1988-89)
Infinite Crisis (2005-06)
Superman: Infinite Crisis (2006)
"Ghost in the House", JSA (2006)
The Lords of Luck (2007)
The Book of Destiny (2007-08)
Legion of 3 Worlds (2008-09)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
"Cornerstone", Justice Society of America (2011)
Pérez, Pere
The Death of Oracle (2011)
Perez, Ramon
Forward through the Past (2008)
Perkins, Mike
JSA by Geoff Johns, Book Two (1999-2003)
Fear (2005-06)
Perkins, Tim
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Two (1986)
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Three (1986-87)
The World Shapers (1986-87)
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Four (1987)
A Cold Day in Hell! (1987-89)
The Incomplete Death's Head (1993)
Perlin, Don
Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House (1971-74)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 1 (1984-86)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 2 (1986-87)
The Transformers Classics, Vol. 3 (1987-88)
Perplies, Bernd
Fire with Fire (2016)
The Root of All Rage (2016)
In the Heart of Chaos (2016)
Fire with Fire (2018)
The Root of All Rage (2018)
In the Heart of Chaos (2018)
Perrota, Rich
"The Crew", Big Trouble in Little Mogadishu (2003-04)
Perryman, Neil & Sue
Adventures With the Wife in Space: Living with Doctor Who (2013)
The Miserable Git (2015)
The Scuffy Drunk (2015)
The Pompous Tory (2016)
The Mad One (2016)
The (Still) Mad One (2016)
The Fit One (2017)
The Court Jester (2018)
The Crafty Sod (2019)
Persichetti, Bob
Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Pertwee, Jon
Interviewee, Talkback: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Doctor Who Interview Book, Volume Two: The Seventies (1977-2006)
Petersen, David
Love Stories for Dead People (2008-09)
Peterson, Brandon
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Petrecca, Bob
"Giving In", Lost Hearts (2003)
"The Harvest, Part One" (2003)
The Battle Within (2005)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Sacrifice (2005)
Trial by Fire (2005)
Origins (2005-06)
Petrie, Doug
Daredevil Season Two (2016)
Peyer, Tom "Tennessee"
"Death of the Party!", L.E.G.I.O.N. '93 (1993)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
L.E.G.I.O.N. '94 (1994)
R.E.B.E.L.S. '94 (1994)
R.E.B.E.L.S. '95 (1995)
R.E.B.E.L.S. '96 (1996)
"The 90-Minute Man", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
Two Thousand (2000)
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
"Scenes from the Class Struggle at J.S.A. Mansion", Golden Age Secret Files & Origins (2001)
Pfeifer, Will
Armageddon (2005-06)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart
Trixy (1904)
Phillips, Jack
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Phillips, Joe
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 1 (1989-93)
Five Years Later Omnibus, Volume 2 (1992-94)
Agent Provocateur (2008)
Phillips, Julie
"[Untitled]", 80!: Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin (2010)
Phillips, Sean
"Time and Time and Time Again", JSA (2004)
Lost (2004-05)
Origins (2005-06)
Battleworld (2006-15)
Picacio, John
The Mexicanx Initiative Experience at Worldcon 76 (2018)
Pichetshote, Pornsak
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
Pierce, Alexandra
Co-Editor, Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler (2017)
Pierfederici, Micro
Agent Provocateur (2008)
Piller, Michael
Fade In: From Idea to Final Draft: The Writing of Star Trek: Insurrection (2010)
Pina, Javier
Trial by Fire (2005)
Origins (2005-06)
Unleashed (2006-07)
Trouble in Mind (2011-12)
Your Kiss Might Kill (2012)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Pini, Steve
The Good Soldier (1988-91)
"The Kingdom of the Blind", The Darkstars (1992)
Evening's Empire (1990-93)
Pinsker, Sarah
"Wind Will Rove" (2017)
"And Then There Were (N-One)" (2017)
"The Court Magician" (2018)
Sooner or Later Everything Falls into the Sea: Stories (2013-19)
"The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye" (2019)
"Two Truths and a Lie" (2020)
We Are Satellites (2021)
"Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather" (2021)
"A Better Way of Saying" (2021)
Lost Places: Stories (2016-23)
"One Man's Treasure" (2023)
Essay: "Fiction for a Pandemic"
Piskor, Ed
Our Movie Year (2000-04)
Pitre-Durocher, Sara
Distant Stars (2015)
The Transformers, Volume 9 (2015-16)
Till All Are One, Volume 1 (2016)
Till All Are One, Volume Two (2016-17)
Till All Are One, Volume Three (2017)
The Scavengers In: MacGuffin Quest! (2018)
Unicron (2018)
Friendship in Disguise! (2020)
Pitt, Stanley
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Pittarese, Frank
"The Bridge", Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures (2006-09)
Planer, Nigel
Jeremiah Bourne in Time (2018)
Plastino, Al
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 1 (1958-62)
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 3 (1964-65)
Legion of Super-Heroes: 1,050 Years of the Future (1958-2002)
Platt, Marc
Ghost Light (1990)
Evening's Empire (1990-93)
"The Ship of Painted Shadows", Old Friends (2006)
Relative Dimensions (2010)
The Silver Turk (2011)
Thin Ice (2011)
The Children of Seth (2011)
Night of the Stormcrow (2012)
The Flames of Cadiz (2013)
"The Case of the Gluttonous Guru", Jago & Litefoot, Investigators of Infernal Incidents: Series Five (2013)
Eldrad Must Die! (2013)
The Beginning (2013)
The Doctor's Tale (2014)
Doctor Who: Philip Hinchcliffe Presents (2014)
"The Galileo Trap", Doom Coalition 1 (2015)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2015)
Planet of the Rani (2015)
"The Gift", Doom Coalition 2 (2016)
The Genesis Chamber (2016)
HG Wells' The Time Machine (2017)
The Skin of the Sleek (2017)
The Thief Who Stole Time (2017)
The Behemoth (2017)
"The Phoenecians", The First Doctor Adventures, Volume Three (2019)
Essay: "Who Has Written for the Most Doctors Who?"
Player, Stephen
The Illustrated Wee Free Men (2008)
Pleece, Warren
The Hourman and The Python (1995-96)
Devil in the Gateway (1999-2000)
Serve You (2015)
Conversion (2015)
The Then and the Now (2015-16)
The One (2016)
War of Gods (2016-17)
The Terror Beneath (2017)
Plumb, J. H.
England in the Eighteenth Century (1950)
Plunkett, Kilian
Chewbacca (2000)
Red Son (2003)
Plunkett, Sandy
Panther's Prey (1989-94)
Poe, Edgar Allan
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (1833-49)
Poehler, Amy
Russian Doll Season One (2019)
Poggi, Roberto
"A Nation under Our Feet, Part 11" (2016-17)
World of Wakanda (2017)
Pohl, Frederick
The Space Merchants (1952)
"Day Million", The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1960-90)
Polk, C. L.
Even Though I Knew the End (2022)
"Ivy, Angelica, Bay" (2023)
Pollack, Rachel
The Children's Crusade (1993-94)
Free Country: A Tale of the Children's Crusade (1993-2015)
Pollard, Keith
Marvel Masterworks Presents The Black Panther, Volume 1: Collecting Jungle Action Nos. 6-24 (1973-76)
Crisis on Multiple Earths, Volume 6 (1981-82)
"Head Trip!" and "…And They Shall Crush the Headmen!" (1983)
Pollitt, James
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Pollyea, Aaron M.
"Nest in the Dark" (2019)
Ponce, Andres
The Eye of Ashaya (2012-13)
Ponticelli, Alberto
The New 52 (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Poovey, Mary
Making a Social Body: British Cultural Formation, 1830-1864 (1995)
Pope, Paul
Taller Tales (2000-02)
Batman: Year 100 and Other Tales: Deluxe Edition (1998-2006)
Pople, Gail
The Golden Age (1989-91)
Portacio, Whilce
Rules of Engagement (2007)
Portela, Francis
Black Panther (2007-08)
The New 52 (2011)
Hostile World (2011-12)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Five Years Later Omnibus (2014)
Porter, Howard
"Where the Walls Are Strong", The Darkstars (1993)
Strength in Numbers (1998)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 25...
Yon Twelve-Sided Sky (2011)
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Porter, Lynette
"Chasing Amy: The Evolution of the Doctor's Female Companion in the New Who", Doctor Who in Time and Space: Essays on Themes, Characters, History and Fandom, 1963-2012 (2013)
Posey, Jay
"Invincible", War Stories: New Military Science Fiction (2014)
Post, Howie
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume One (1968-71)
Showcase Presents The Witching Hour!, Volume One (1969-72)
Potter, Ian
The Revenants (2012)
"The Pelage Project", Counter Measures: Series 1 (2012)
The Alchemists (2013)
The Sleeping City (2014)
The Bounty of Ceres (2014)
"The Unwinding World", The Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor, Volume One (2015)
"Death on the Slipway", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 6 (2016)
"Troubled Waters", The New Counter Measures: Series One (2016)
"The Becoming", The Memory Bank and other stories (2016)
"Dragonsfield", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 7 (2017)
"Beating the Bounds", Survivors: Series Six (2017)
Cortex Fire (2017)
An Ideal World (2018)
The Hollow King (2019)
Potter, Jeff
Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food (2011)
Potts, Carl
Time Warp (1979-80)
Powell, Bob
The Blackhawk Archives, Volume 1 (1941-42)
Powell, Eric
"Legacy", Black Panther (2000)
The Space Between (2009)
Powell, James
(The Best of) Shooty Dog Thing (2007-10)
Powell, Lester
"The Deadly Air", The Avengers: The Lost Episodes, Volume 7 (2017)
Powers, Kemp
"Choose Your Pain", Discovery Season 1, Chapter 1 (2017) [re-review]
Soul (2020)
Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
Poynton, Adrian
Dethras (2017)
Prado, Joe
The Battle Within (2005)
Rann-Thanagar War (2005)
Perfect Pitch (2005-06)
Infinite Crisis Companion (2006)
52 Omnibus (2006-07)
Road to the Altar (2007)
The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern (2011)
The New 52 (2011)
The Multiversity (2015)
Prado, Miguelanxo
"The Heart of a Star", Endless Nights (2003)
Prasad, Vina Jie-Min
"Fandom for Robots" (2017)
"A Series of Steaks" (2017)
"A Guide for Working Breeds" (2020)
Pratchett, Terry
Guards! Guards! (1989)
Men at Arms (1993)
Feet of Clay (1996)
Jingo (1997)
The Fifth Elephant (2000)
Night Watch (2002)
The Wee Free Men (2003)
A Hat Full of Sky (2004)
Thud! (2005)
Wintersmith (2006)
I Shall Wear Midnight (2010)
Snuff (2011)
The Shepherd's Crown (2015)
Pratt, George
"Mommy's Boy", L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 (1991)
The Absolute Sandman, Volume Two (1990-98)
Pratt, Mary Louise
Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation (1992)
Preddle, Jon
Revelation of the Daleks (1992)
Prentice, John
Showcase Presents The House of Secrets, Volume One (1969-72)
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Two (1971-73)
Preuss, Paul
"Half-Life", The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990 (1960-90)
Price, Andy
Essay: "Friendship Really Is Magic: Thoughts on My Little Pony"
Priest, Cherie
"The Rat Race", Fort Freak (2011)
Priest, Christopher
Strength in Numbers (1998)
The 18th Letter: A Love Story (2000)
Black Panther (1998-2003)
Big Trouble in Little Mogadishu (2003-04)
Prigmore, Wilf
The Transformers Classics UK, Volume Two (1986)
Primlani, Angel
"Snowball the Rabbit Was Dead", Menial: Skilled Labor in Science Fiction (2013)
Prince-Bythewood, Gina
The Old Guard (2020)
Pritchard, John
"Out of the Deep" (2020)
Proctor, George W.
Co-Editor, The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Three: Nebula Winners, 1965-1969 (1982)
Propst, Mark
R.E.B.E.L.S. '95 (1995)
R.E.B.E.L.S. '96 (1996)
Justice Be Done (1999)
Birds of Prey, Volume 2 (1999)
"Steam Engine", All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant (1999)
The Justice Society Returns! (1999-2001)
Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2004-05)
The OMAC Project (2005)
Sacrifice (2005)
Puckett, Kelley
Batgirl (1997)
Pugh, Steve
The New 52 Villains Omnibus (2013)
Pulido, Javier
Robin: Year One (2001)
The Shade (2011-12)
Pulley, Natasha
The Kingdoms (2021)
Pullman, Philip
La Belle Sauvage (2017) [Lodestar ballot]
The Secret Commonwealth (2019)
Purcell, Gordon
Convergence (1994-95)
Honor Bound (1997)
The Battle for Blüdhaven (2006)
"Fight Game: 2 of 2", JSA Classified (2007)
Movie Classics Omnibus (1979-2009)
Assimilation² (2012)
Purcell, Howard
Showcase Presents The House of Mystery, Volume Three (1973-74)
Purcell, Jack
Moving Targets (2004-05)
Shellshocked (2006)
Countdown to Final Crisis: 51...
Countdown to Final Crisis: 38...
Dominator War (2007)
Nightfall (2007)
JSA Presents Green Lantern (2002-08)
Escape (2009)
"The Kingdom", Justice Society of America (2009)
"Under My Skin", Face Off (2009-10)
End Run (2010-11)
Purser-Hallard, Philip
"Sex Secrets of the Robot Replicants", A Life Worth Living (2004)
"The Ruins of Time", Time Signature (2006)
"Perspectives", Collected Works (2006)
"Nursery Politics", Nobody's Children (2007)
"Predating the Predators", The Vampire Curse (2008)
Editor, Tales of the City (2012)
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