Hugo Reading Progress

2024 Hugo Awards Progress
53 / 57 items read/watched (92.98%)
6569 / 7433 pages read (88.38%)
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23 May 2022

Doctor Who: Old Friends by Jody Houser, Roberta Ingranata, and Rachael Stott

 Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor: Old Friends

Collection published: 2019
Contents published: 2019
Read: January 2022

Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Roberta Ingranata, Rachael Stott
Colorists: Erica Eren Angiolini, Tracy Bailey
Color Assistants: Viviana Spinelli, Aaron Daly & Sari Chankhamma
Letterers: Richard Starkings & Sarah Jacobs, John Roshell & Jimmy Betancourt

There's a good idea at the heart of this volume: the Doctor runs into the Corsair, an old Time Lord friend she learned died back in "The Doctor's Wife." How do you handle a situation like this? Unfortunately, I felt that that aspect of the story was barely present; I only really got what the story was going for in its last issue. If the Doctor had talked about this with her companions, it could have been highlighted more, but much like on screen, Houser's version of the fam are interchangeable recipients of exposition. There's just nothing very characterful here. What do they all make of meeting another Time Lord at last, so different from the one they know so well? Who knows. Probably this is how Chris Chibnall would handle it on screen, as in, just as dully. Not terrible, but it's a disappointment for our first real glimpse of the Corsair.

I read an issue of Titan's Doctor Who comic every day (except when I have hard-copy comics to read). Next up in sequence: The Thirteenth Doctor: Time Out of Mind

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