Hugo Reading Progress

2024 Hugo Awards Progress
12 items read/watched / 57 total (21.05%)

06 June 2022

Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Time Lords by Jody Houser and Roberta Ingranata

Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Time Lords: A Little Help from My Friends

Collection published: 2020
Contents published: 2020
Read: January 2022

Writer: Jody Houser
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
Colorists: Erica Eren Angiolini
Color Assistant: Sari Chankhamma
Letterers: Richard Starkings & Sarah Hedrick 

This collection has the thirteenth Doctor and the fam landing in London in the 1960s—during exactly the time the tenth Doctor and Martha were stranded there, as glimpsed in episode "Blink." The later Doctor tries to figure out if she needs to do something to help the earlier Doctor, and it turns out that not only are there Weeping Angels afoot (I am not sure why, though), the Nestene Consciousness is also up to something, and everyone ends up joining forces.

It's fun enough. Houser has a good grasp of the fam in dialogue and action, and one can imagine Jodie Whittaker being suitably awkward when she's trying to keep a low profile with Martha. The actual plot, as it always is in these thirteenth Doctor comics, is a bit basic, with what feels like a lot of wandering around and an easy resolution that feels a bit stretched out at four issues. I'd like to see this series play with story lengths more as Titan's earlier Doctor Who series did, but alas, they seem to be locked in at four issues.

(Note that this is, according to its copyright page, the first volume of "A Tale of Two Time Lords." There never was a volume 2, but one presumes that Alternating Current would have been so if not for the COVID-related changes to Titan's publishing schedule. But that does leave us with the slightly irksome phenomenon of a volume 1 with no volume 2!)

I read an issue of Titan's Doctor Who comic every day (except when I have hard-copy comics to read). Next up in sequence: Alternating Current

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