Hugo Reading Progress

2024 Hugo Awards Progress
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31 May 2016

Review: Doctor Who: Tip of the Tongue by Patrick Ness

Mass market paperback, 61 pages
Published 2014 (originally 2013)

Acquired December 2014
Read May 2015
Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor: Tip of the Tongue
by Patrick Ness

Since I read this book, Patrick Ness was announced as the executive producer of the newest television Doctor Who spin-off, Class, which is going to be a YA show with supernatural goings-on. Based on the quality of this book, Class should be very good. Tip of the Tongue is told from the perspective of Jonny, a teenager in Temperance, Maine of 1945, where the newest fad is wearing Truth Tellers, creatures that speak the cruelest truth in social situations that normally no one dares say, like that everyone knows your wife is cheating on you, or that your butt does look big, or that you're gay. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa are minor, but well-depicted parts of this tale of the harsh realities of being a teenager. I really enjoyed it-- probably my favorite of this series thus far-- and it's this book more than anything else that has me looking forward to Class.

Next Week: The sixth Doctor and Peri attend a wedding in Something Borrowed!


  1. I haven't read this, but Patrick Ness' books are very very good indeed. I think his TV take on the Whoniverse should be excellent.

    1. You should give it a whirl! The ebook is only 3.50 in your money, and it will probably take you 30 minutes to read at most.
