by Keith R.A. DeCandido
I honestly didn't really have expectations for this book going in, so I was pleasantly blown away by it. The best of the (so far) three books in the "TNG relaunch" by a long shot. Keith, as usual, nails all of the show's regular characters perfectly, and all of the new characters are intriguing in their own rights as well. I look forward to hearing more from all of them. As everyone has said, the best part of the novel is Q himself-- Keith gets De Lancie's portrayal down on the page perfectly, a feat that only Peter David has also managed, and he also manages to make a coherent story out of everything that Q has ever done to annoy the Heroes of our various shows. If there's any flaw, it's that nothing happens for half the book, but I admit I did not even notice this until I was doing a mental recap of the "story so far". An easy candidate for the best Trek novel of the year.
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