Hugo Reading Progress

2024 Hugo Awards Progress
57 / 57 items read/watched (100.00%)
7433 / 7433 pages read (100.00%)
1435 / 1435 minutes watched (100.00%)

02 April 2024

Reading Roundup Wrapup: March 2024

Pick of the month: American Science Fiction: Four Classic Novels 1953-1956 edited by Gary K. Wolfe. This Library of America anthology contained four novels: The Space Merchants, More Than Human, The Long Tomorrow, and The Incredible Shrinking Man. Only one would I say I didn't really enjoy (More Than Human), but of the other three, two were pretty good, and The Long Tomorrow was excellent. Library of America's hit rate with its sf collections has been fairly strong.

All books read:

  1. Marvel-Verse: Black Panther (part 1/part 2) by Jerry Bingham et al.
  2. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens
  3. The Magical Mimics in Oz by Jack Snow, illustrated by Frank Kramer
  4. The White Dragon: Collected comic strips from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine by Martin Geraghty, Scott Gray, Russ Leach, Jacqueline Rayner, and David A Roach
  5. American Science Fiction: Four Classic Novels 1953-1956: The Space Merchants / More Than Human / The Long Tomorrow / The Shrinking Man edited by Gary K. Wolfe
  6. Doctor Who: Short Trips #24: The Quality Of Leadership edited by Keith R A DeCandido
  7. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage by David R. George III
  8. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: I, the Constable by Paula M. Block & Terry J. Erdmann
  9. The Blackhawk Archives, Volume 1 by Chuck Cuidera, Dick French, et al.
  10. Star Trek: Prey, Book 1: Hell’s Heart by John Jackson Miller
  11. Star Trek: Prey, Book 2: The Jackal’s Trick by John Jackson Miller
  12. The Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 7 edited by Neil Clarke 

Numerically, it's a pretty average month, but in terms of pages read I did quite well, finishing two long books that I'd been working on for a long time (two months on #2, six months on #12) and reading another book that contained four full novels (#5).

All books acquired:

  1. The Blackhawk Archives, Volume 1 by Chuck Cuidera, Dick French, et al.
  2. The White Dragon: Collected comic strips from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine by Martin Geraghty, Scott Gray, Russ Leach, Jacqueline Rayner, and David A Roach
  3. Showcase Presents Blackhawk, Volume One by Dick Dillin, Charles Cuidera, et al.
  4. Blackhawk by William Rotsler
  5. Valuable Humans in Transit and Other Stories by qntm
  6. Apocalypse Still: Stories by Leah Nicole Whitcomb
  7. Popular Writers of Today, Volume Nine: Aldiss Unbound: The Science Fiction of Brian W. Aldiss by Richard Mathews
  8. Popular Writers of Today, Volume Thirteen: Worlds Beyond the World: The Fantastic Vision of William Morris by Richard Mathews
  9. Popular Writers of Today, Volume Nineteen: The Clockwork Universe of Anthony Burgess by Richard Mathews

Currently reading:

  • Apocalypse Still: Stories by Leah Nicole Whitcomb
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gamma: Original Sin by David R. George III 

Up next in my rotations:

  1. The Pelican History of England: 3. English Society in the Early Middle Ages (1066-1307) by Doris Mary Stenton 
  2. The Periodic Table by Primo Levi 
  3. The Dispossessed by Szilárd Borbély
  4. Star Trek: Prey, Book 3: The Hall of Heroes by John Jackson Miller

Books remaining on "To be read" list: 661 (down 2)


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