02 September 2016

Reading Roundup Wrapup: August 2016

Pick of the month: Mrs. Miniver by Jan Struther. Like most months in which I read a lot of books, this was tough: I think you could make compelling arguments for Adam Strange: Planet Heist (everything I want out of space-based superheroes), either volume of Top 10 (I never wanted anything out of superhero police procedurals, but I got something great anyway), and A Very Dangerous Woman (a pretty strong biography of a very interesting person). But Mrs. Miniver has a difficult-to-replicate charm-- as an accidental novel, I don't think the things it does well could be replicated deliberately. So to it my pick goes.

All books read:
1. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Volume 3 by Shane McCarthy with Josh van Reyk, Shawn Knowler, and Andy Schmidt
2. The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman by Brian Azzarello, J. T. Krul, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Peter Milligan
3. Y: The Last Man: One Small Step by Brian K. Vaughan
4. Novel Science: Fiction and the Invention of Nineteenth-Century Geology by Adelene Buckland
5. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Volume 4: Coda by Mike Costa with Simon Furman, Shane McCarthy, Andy Schmidt, Nick Roche, Denton J. Tipton, and Zander Cannon
6. Empire of the Sun by J. G. Ballard
7. From Russia with Love by Ian Fleming
8. Advice for a Young Investigator by Santiago Ramón y Cajal
9. Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Quest For Cosmic Boy by Tony Bedard
10. Star Trek: The Prisoner of Vega by Sharon Lerner and Christopher Cerf
11. When It Changed: Science into Fiction edited by Geoff Ryman
12. The World of Flashpoint featuring Green Lantern by Adam Schlagman and Jeff Lemire with Pornsak Pichetshote
13. Adam Strange: Planet Heist by Andy Diggle
14. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
15. Top 10: Collected Edition, Book 1 by Alan Moore
16. The Surprising Effects of Sympathy: Marivaux, Diderot, Rousseau, and Mary Shelley by David Marshall
17. The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West
18. Mrs. Miniver by Jan Struther
19. Top 10: Collected Edition, Book 2 by Alan Moore
20. Legion of Super-Heroes: Enemy Rising by Jim Shooter
21. Kidding Ourselves: The Hidden Power of Self-Deception by Joseph T. Hallinan
22. The Sorceress of the Strand and Other Stories by L. T. Meade
23. Time, Unincorporated: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives, Vol. 2: Writings on the Classic Series edited by Graeme Burk and Robert Smith?
24. The Transformers, Volume 1: For All Mankind by Mike Costa
25. Vision, Science and Literature, 1870-1920: Ocular Horizons by Martin Willis
26. A Very Dangerous Woman: The Lives, Loves and Lies of Russia’s Most Seductive Spy by Deborah McDonald and Jeremy Dronfield

It's my best month since January 2013! I don't really know why. Good way to go out, though (my "reading year" is September through August).

All books acquired:
1. From Russia with Love by Ian Fleming
2. Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Quest For Cosmic Boy by Tony Bedard
3. Adam Strange: Planet Heist by Andy Diggle
4. The Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers by James Roberts & Nick Roche
5. The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West
6. Top 10: Collected Edition, Book 2 by Alan Moore
7. Legion of Super-Heroes: Enemy Rising by Jim Shooter

Books remaining on "To be read" list: 631 (down 5)
Books remaining on "To review" list: 76 (down 3)

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